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Magnetic feedthroughs

30 R-1

The DIII-D magnetic diagnostic systen provides data for real-time equilibrium control, post-shot equilibrium reconstruction, and analysis of MHD fluctuations.  The magnetic diagnostic signals come from inductive loops, most of which are connected to analog integrators. Magnetic probes on the inner surface of the vacuum vessel wall measure the local poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields. Saddle loops on the outer surface of the vessel measure the local radial magnetic field. Axisymmetric flux loops on the outer surface of the vacuum vessel wall and on the plasma-facing surface of the F-coils measure the poloidal flux. Plasma current is measured by Rogowski loops around the minor circumference of the vacuum vessel, and also by a weighted sum of the internal magnetic probes. Coil currents are measured by Rogowski loops around the leads to the coils.