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Below is a public summary listing:

ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
5Optimization of Counter-current Beam Heating in Steady State ScenariosSteady StateGAYesNoNo
10Measure counter streaming 3D flowsSOL and Divertor PhysicsU of WisconsinYesNoNo
17Attaining higher Betan with advanced feedback control and external control coils3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
18Flow or flow shear for m/n=3/2 tearing mode stability?3D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GAYesNoNo
19Detachment Characteristics in H-mode Helium PlasmasSOL and Divertor PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
20Measuring Divertor Impurity Ion Temperature as a Function of Density and Heating PowerSOL and Divertor PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
32Momentum transport and intrinsic torque under electron heating; Te/Ti~1Turbulence & TransportJAEAYesNoNo
33Electromagnetic turbulence effects at high betaTurbulence & TransportCCFEYesNoNo
35Direct measurement of multi-mode kinetic plasma response using Nyquist Analysis3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesYesNo
36Direct measurement of multi-mode kinetic plasma response using Nyquist Analysis3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesYesNo
38Higher betaN, lower torque SS-hybridsSteady StateColumbia UYesNoNo
39Real-time error field control using extremum seekingControlDepartment of EnergyYesYesNo
40Collisionality-dependence of plasma response in low-torque ITER baseline3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
41Pedestal transport studies in matched hydrogen and deuterium dischargesPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
42Intrinsic pedestal rotation in hydrogen plasmasPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
43Time-resolved measurement of plasma response damping rate3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
44Extend performance of qmin > 2 AT scenario by optimizing MHD stability3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
46Test of helicon couplingHeating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
47Integrated Current Profile and Beta Control for Development and Sustainment of Advanced ScenariosControlLehigh UYesNoNo
48Development of Rotation Profile Feedback Control CapabilityControlLehigh UYesNoNo
49m/n=2/1 NTM Control by ECCD in IBS3D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GAYesNoNo
50Kink and tearing stability in low rotation qmin~1.5 scenario using n=2 NTVSteady StateDepartment of EnergyYesNoNo
54Turbulence Response Across Applied low-n Magnetic IslandsTurbulence & TransportUW-MadisonYesNoNo
55Can Radiating Divertor Be Effective for AT Plasmas at Elevated power input?SOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
56Can Flux Expansion Significantly Lower Heat Flux and Control Carbon Influx in High Power AT Plasmas?SOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
65Multi-machine studies of the L-H power threshold dependence on aspect ratioLH PhysicsU of WisconsinYesNoNo
66Investigate and optimize spontaneous pedestal improvement in low rotation QH-modeEHO Stability & ControlGAYesNoNo
67Multiple periods of NTM suppression3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
68Adaptive Error Field Correction3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
70Spectroscopic studies of W erosion/re-deposition with wide scans of divertor plasma parametersPMI PhysicsGAYesNoNo
75Automatic phase controller of slowly rotating 2/1 mode (f<200Hz)3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
77Modulated ECCD stabilization of rotating 2/1 islands with phase control by RMP3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
78Continuos High Pressure Pedestal with Lithium and Pedestal ControlPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
79Helicon stabilization of 2/1 rotating or locked modes3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
81Electromagnetic fluctuations and transport during ELM cycles and comparison to theory and simulationPedestal Transport & ControlUCLAYesNoNo
82NTM locking avoidance, magnetic island removal and H-mode recovery by spinig-up assisted by ECCD3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
84Developing ITER Locking avoidance by EM torque control by comparing NSTX/DIID(C-coil)/RFX-mod3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
85ELM suppression exploration with n=1 RMPELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
86The improving the ELM suppression with n=23D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
87The exploration of EM torque injection unlocking approach in various locking conditionsELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
88Comparing upper and lower divertors to measure the effect of closure on detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
89Pedestal Pressure Adjustment and ELM Regularization via Real-time LGI controlELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
90Disruption mitigation via Real-time LGI controlDisruption MitigationPPPLYesNoNo
91Physics behind the low density branch of the LH power threshold scalingLH PhysicsUCLAYesNoNo
92Evaluate Prospect for ITB in high q-min Steady Scenarios for FNSFSteady StateRetiredYesNoNo
94Control of n=1 Tearing Modes using Off-axis Broad ECCD in Steady State Discharges with qmin > 1.5Steady StateRetiredYesNoNo
97Investigating Magnetic Flux Pumping in Hybrid ScenariosInductive ScenariosOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesYesNoNo
107Use of amplitude and phase of fast rotating tearing modes to identify intrinsic error-fields3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
108Active Control of the LH power theshold via n=3 magnetic perturbationsLH PhysicsUCLAYesNoNo
109Fuel Ion Mass (Isotope) Scaling of Turbulence and TransportTurbulence & TransportU of WisconsinYesNoNo
110Develop MIMO algorithm for detachment and radiation profile controlControlGAYesNoNo
112Control of Detachment in Advanced Divertor ConfigurationsControlGAYesNoNo
116Stabilization of the detachment front at the secondary X point in advanced divertor configurationsSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
118I-mode plasmas as a tool to study basic turbulence and the H-mode transitionLH PhysicsUCSDYesNoNo
121Disruptive 2/1 island width vs. q953D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
123Fast partial Ip ramp-down to avoid locked mode disruption3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
125Coupled High Performance DivSOL & PedestalIntegrated ModelingORNLYesNoNo
126Co-injected Super H-Mode Physics ExplorationPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
128Exploring new materials for impurity pellet pacing of ELMs in reactor relevant environmentELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
132A Study of Ablation for Tungsten-Alternative PFCs Due to ELMs and Hard DisruptionsPMI PhysicsORNL and NCSUYesNoNo
134Interaction of NTM and broadband turbulence: experiment and comparison to theoryTurbulence & TransportUCLAYesNoNo
136High fusion yield QH-Mode core based on validated predictive simulationsTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
137High-power modulated ECRH during QH mode to Assess Transport and ECCD EfficiencyTurbulence & TransportU of TexasYesNoNo
138Understand return of ELMs in low torque QH-mode at low q95Inductive ScenariosGAYesNoYes
142Core Optimization of Advanced Inductive Scenario with Strong Electron HeatingTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
147High-temperature W morphology changes in the divertor during intense He plasma bombardmentPMI PhysicsGAYesNoNo
150Scenario integration: developing a detached, radiating divertor to support an AT coreSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
158Midplane Impurity Density AsymmetryTurbulence & TransportORAUYesNoNo
159Piggy-back measurements of helicon antenna loadingHeating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
166The impact of increased pressure gradient on scenarios for fully noninductive operationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
167Produce fNI = 1 discharges at q_min near 1.5 using off-axis injection with varying toroidal rotationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
171Assess the destabilization mechanism for the n = 1 tearing mode in steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGAYesNoNo
177Actuator Sharing and Integrated Control Demonstration for ITERControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
178Effect of low-Z impurity on pedestal and global confinementPedestal Transport & ControlU of YorkYesYesNo
179Rotation Profile Manipulation using 3D Fields3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
184Turbulent Ion Thermal Response to Electron Heat Flux and Te/Ti VariationTurbulence & TransportSandia National LabYesNoNo
185High-power helicon antenna characterization (FY16)Heating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
186Transport evolution at the onset of RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
187Net wall pumping in Helium vs. Deuterium H-mode dischargesPMI PhysicsCompXYesNoNo
189Fully non-inductive current overdrive prospects for STIntegrated ModelingPPPLYesNoNo
190Detection of magnetic islands and Coalescence Instability in RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
195Current Drive Measurements with 1 MW Helicon System (FY16)Heating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
196Characterization of edge plasma in the case of extinguishing ELMsSOL and Divertor PhysicsCompXYesNoNo
198ELM suppressed steady state hybrid plasmasSteady StateGAYesNoNo
200Exploring Fast-Ion Critical Gradient Threshold Using ECHEnergetic ParticlesORNLYesNoNo
211Multi-Z Impurity Transport in Regimes without ELMsPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
212Core momentum transport validation: Magnetic shearTurbulence & TransportGAYesNoNo
213Main-ion particle transport in the H-mode pedestalPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
214Impact of 3D field perturbations on main-ion rotationPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
218Stabilization of radiatively induced tearing modes (RiTMs) using off-axis-heating3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
219Further XD investigations on DIIIDSOL and Divertor Physicsuniversity of texasYesNoNo
220Low-tech locking avoidance by rotating fields, and measure of their impact on confinement and Q3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
221Low-tech "controlled locking" (and automatic locked mode suppression by automated NTM control)3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
222Measure island moment of inertia3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
223Rutherford equation at fixed beta & rotation3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
224Locked mode "catch & subdue" for recovery of pre-locking performance3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
252HFS shaping for ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
260Compatibility of pellet fuelling with ELM suppression with I coils.Pedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
261Optimum pellet injection geometry for pellet triggering with minimum throughput/PFC power fluxesPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
262Demonstration of integrated ELM-paced pellet fuelled H-mode plasma in ITER-relevant rangePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
263Type I ELMy H-modes and ELM suppression at low Pinp/PL-H with low torque and extension to high betaELM Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
264Pedestal particle transport in ELM suppressed H-modes on medium/high Z impurities and optimizationPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
265QH-mode compatibility with pellet fuelling, radiative divertor and beta Pinput/PL-HEHO Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
266Pedestal particle transport mechanisms for high density plasmas with low core neutral sourcePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
267Characterization of EHO for the improvement of its saturated kink-peeling mode physics basisEHO Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
268Ion Cyclotron Driven Pedestal RelaxationTorkil Jensen AwardGAYesNoNo
270Stabilization of radiatively induced tearing modes (RiTMs) using off-axis-heatingTorkil Jensen AwardPPPLYesNoNo
335Sawtooth control and predictions for ITERControlEPFLYesYesNo
356Anti-Miss NTM control3D & Stability PhysicsEPFLYesYesNo
357Combined sawtooth control and NTM preemptionControlEPFLYesYesNo
413Collection of core W impurities at the OMP due to W shell pellets: A dry-runPMI PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
423Toroidally dependent turbulence with applied 3D fieldsPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
442Divertor closure on impurity seeding detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
443Comparison the main ion and impurity flow at high-field sideSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
448Advanced tokamak scenarios with metal tilesSteady StateLLNLYesNoNo