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Below is a public summary listing:

ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
1Welcome to 2015 DIII-D Research Opportunities ForumGeneral PhysicsLLNLNoNoNo
2Propensity for Detrimental Modes Driven by Energetic Electrons as ECH Power IncreasesHeating & Current DriveGANoNoNo
3Investigation of AE Critical Gradient Energetic Ion Transport through Adjustment of Phase Space GradEnergetic ParticlesGANoNoNo
4Using Runaway Electron Beams to Commission the Gamma Ray ImagerGeneral PhysicsGANoNoNo
5Optimization of Counter-current Beam Heating in Steady State ScenariosSteady StateGAYesNoNo
6Energetic Ion Interactions with MicroturbulenceEnergetic ParticlesGANoNoNo
7Calibrate the Fast Ion Loss Detector System Using Neutral Beam Prompt LossesGeneral PhysicsGANoNoNo
8Characterize Energetic Ion Losses as Measured by the Rippled Tile DiagnosticEnergetic ParticlesGANoNoNo
9Directed Phase Space Manipulation to Control Alfv Ì?en Eigenmode ChirpingEnergetic ParticlesGANoYesNo
10Measure counter streaming 3D flowsSOL and Divertor PhysicsU of WisconsinYesNoNo
11Inward pinch vs neutral fuelingTurbulence & TransportThe college of William and MaryNoYesYes
12Test ZF model with RMPsLH PhysicsThe college of William and MaryNoNoYes
13Optimize & test robustness of qmin>1.5, fNI=1 scenarioSteady StateLLNLNoNoNo
14Effect of pre-existing MHD activity on shattered pellet injectionDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
15Interaction of neon shattered pellets with post-disruption runaway electron plateausDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
16Thermal quench MHD activity driven by shattered pellet injectionDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
17Attaining higher Betan with advanced feedback control and external control coils3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
18Flow or flow shear for m/n=3/2 tearing mode stability?3D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GAYesNoNo
19Detachment Characteristics in H-mode Helium PlasmasSOL and Divertor PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
20Measuring Divertor Impurity Ion Temperature as a Function of Density and Heating PowerSOL and Divertor PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
21Probability of soft landing success in ITER baseline3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
22Orthogonal plasma response from ex-vessel coil in ITER baseline scenario3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
23Diagnosis of n=1 structures during n>1 RMP-ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
24Neoclassical origin of density pumpoutPedestal Transport & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
25Long-pulse stability of low torque ITER baseline plasmasInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
26Comparison of non-dimensionally similar ITER baseline plasmasInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
27Direct measurement of C-coil n=1 sideband during n=3 NRMF3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
28Probe role of ETG turbulence, TEM turbulence, and non-local transport in LOC/SOC transitionTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
29Measure edge/core turbulence and model transport in Helium plasmasTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
30Clarify snowflake divertor physicsSOL and Divertor PhysicsLLNLNoNoNo
31Optimizing magnetic and rotation shears to mitigate confinement degradation with increasing Te/TiTurbulence & TransportJAEANoNoNo
32Momentum transport and intrinsic torque under electron heating; Te/Ti~1Turbulence & TransportJAEAYesNoNo
33Electromagnetic turbulence effects at high betaTurbulence & TransportCCFEYesNoNo
34Influence of plasma shape on ELM suppression at low collisionalityELM Stability & ControlCCFENoYesNo
35Direct measurement of multi-mode kinetic plasma response using Nyquist Analysis3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesYesNo
36Direct measurement of multi-mode kinetic plasma response using Nyquist Analysis3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesYesNo
37Transformative Torque-less ITER similarity discharges in DIII-D with the present gyrotron set.Turbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
38Higher betaN, lower torque SS-hybridsSteady StateColumbia UYesNoNo
39Real-time error field control using extremum seekingControlDepartment of EnergyYesYesNo
40Collisionality-dependence of plasma response in low-torque ITER baseline3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
41Pedestal transport studies in matched hydrogen and deuterium dischargesPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
42Intrinsic pedestal rotation in hydrogen plasmasPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
43Time-resolved measurement of plasma response damping rate3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
44Extend performance of qmin > 2 AT scenario by optimizing MHD stability3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
45Extend performance of qmin > 2 AT scenario by optimizing MHD stabilitySteady StateColumbia UNoNoNo
46Test of helicon couplingHeating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
47Integrated Current Profile and Beta Control for Development and Sustainment of Advanced ScenariosControlLehigh UYesNoNo
48Development of Rotation Profile Feedback Control CapabilityControlLehigh UYesNoNo
49m/n=2/1 NTM Control by ECCD in IBS3D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GAYesNoNo
50Kink and tearing stability in low rotation qmin~1.5 scenario using n=2 NTVSteady StateDepartment of EnergyYesNoNo
51ECCD control of 3/2 NTM in low rotation IBS to avoid locking3D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GANoNoNo
52Safety Factor Scaling of Turbulence and Transport in Hybrid Scenario PlasmasTurbulence & TransportU of WisconsinNoNoNo
53VFI bus voltage control and the True scaled ITER shape at DIII-DControlGANoNoNo
54Turbulence Response Across Applied low-n Magnetic IslandsTurbulence & TransportUW-MadisonYesNoNo
55Can Radiating Divertor Be Effective for AT Plasmas at Elevated power input?SOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
56Can Flux Expansion Significantly Lower Heat Flux and Control Carbon Influx in High Power AT Plasmas?SOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
57ITER Baseline Scenario in a Radiating Divertor Environment with near-Zero Applied TorqueInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
58Why Does the Heat Flux Increase in the Secondary Divertor Under the BetaN = constant Constraint?Steady StateGANoNoNo
59Can the Non-Resonant RMP/Puff and Pump be Effective in Divertor Heat Flux Reduction?Pedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
60Density Control and Active Impurity Removal from Double-null H-mode PlasmasSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
61Active Particle Exhaust of H-mode plasmas in the Snowflake Divertor ConfigurationSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
62Can Radiating Divertor Be Effective for AT Plasmas at Elevated Power Input?Steady StateGANoNoNo
63Can Flux Expansion Help Control Carbon Influx in AT Plasmas at Elevated Power Input in Long Pulse?Steady StateGANoNoNo
64n=2 error field correction of TBM-like error fields3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
65Multi-machine studies of the L-H power threshold dependence on aspect ratioLH PhysicsU of WisconsinYesNoNo
66Investigate and optimize spontaneous pedestal improvement in low rotation QH-modeEHO Stability & ControlGAYesNoNo
67Multiple periods of NTM suppression3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
68Adaptive Error Field Correction3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
69Adaptive ELM ControlELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
70Spectroscopic studies of W erosion/re-deposition with wide scans of divertor plasma parametersPMI PhysicsGAYesNoNo
71Analysis of ECH Deposition Profile Broadening through use of MECH.Heating & Current DriveGANoNoNo
72Measurement of Inductive Poloidal Current3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
73Electron Critical Gradient in H-modeTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
74Test of Turbulence Spreading Using Turbulence PropagationTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
75Automatic phase controller of slowly rotating 2/1 mode (f<200Hz)3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
76Hybrids with co-NBI QH-mode edgeInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
77Modulated ECCD stabilization of rotating 2/1 islands with phase control by RMP3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
78Continuos High Pressure Pedestal with Lithium and Pedestal ControlPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
79Helicon stabilization of 2/1 rotating or locked modes3D & Stability PhysicsGAYesNoNo
80EC Current Drive PhysicsHeating & Current DrivePPPLNoNoNo
81Electromagnetic fluctuations and transport during ELM cycles and comparison to theory and simulationPedestal Transport & ControlUCLAYesNoNo
82NTM locking avoidance, magnetic island removal and H-mode recovery by spinig-up assisted by ECCD3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
83Optimal Plasma Shape for High-Beta, Steady-State Hybrid ScenarioSteady StateGANoNoNo
84Developing ITER Locking avoidance by EM torque control by comparing NSTX/DIID(C-coil)/RFX-mod3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
85ELM suppression exploration with n=1 RMPELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
86The improving the ELM suppression with n=23D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
87The exploration of EM torque injection unlocking approach in various locking conditionsELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
88Comparing upper and lower divertors to measure the effect of closure on detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
89Pedestal Pressure Adjustment and ELM Regularization via Real-time LGI controlELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
90Disruption mitigation via Real-time LGI controlDisruption MitigationPPPLYesNoNo
91Physics behind the low density branch of the LH power threshold scalingLH PhysicsUCLAYesNoNo
92Evaluate Prospect for ITB in high q-min Steady Scenarios for FNSFSteady StateRetiredYesNoNo
93Optimizing ITER Steady State Scenarios with High-qmin (qmin > 1.5)Steady StateRetiredNoYesNo
94Control of n=1 Tearing Modes using Off-axis Broad ECCD in Steady State Discharges with qmin > 1.5Steady StateRetiredYesNoNo
95Island seeding with saw teeth pacing: New method to control tearing modes3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
96improved ITER performance due to fuelingTurbulence & TransportGANoYesYes
97Investigating Magnetic Flux Pumping in Hybrid ScenariosInductive ScenariosOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesYesNoNo
98subcritical beta limit in high-betap regimeTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
99Performance Enhancement via qmin controlSteady StatePPPLNoNoNo
100wither counter dithersLH PhysicsGANoNoNo
101n = 1 ELM suppression access through n=2 RMP3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
102DELETED3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
103Sawtooth stabilization with n=1 applied fields3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
104Pedestal stability at low collisionalityPedestal Transport & ControlUCLANoNoNo
105Separating multiple kink mode responses using I and C-coil for studying nonlinear coupling to n=13D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
106Error field correction through alignment of drift precession profile with omega_E3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
107Use of amplitude and phase of fast rotating tearing modes to identify intrinsic error-fields3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
108Active Control of the LH power theshold via n=3 magnetic perturbationsLH PhysicsUCLAYesNoNo
109Fuel Ion Mass (Isotope) Scaling of Turbulence and TransportTurbulence & TransportU of WisconsinYesNoNo
110Develop MIMO algorithm for detachment and radiation profile controlControlGAYesNoNo
111Characterization of detachment with MIMO detachment and radiation profile controlSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
112Control of Detachment in Advanced Divertor ConfigurationsControlGAYesNoNo
113Characterization of Detachment in Advanced Divertor ConfigurationsSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
114Cascaded PID control for detachmentControlGANoNoNo
115Stabilization of the detachment front at the secondary X point in advanced divertor configurationsControlGANoNoNo
116Stabilization of the detachment front at the secondary X point in advanced divertor configurationsSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
117Scenario integration: developing a detached, radiating divertor to support an AT coreSteady StateGANoNoNo
118I-mode plasmas as a tool to study basic turbulence and the H-mode transitionLH PhysicsUCSDYesNoNo
119Super H-mode pedestal with detached divertorSteady StateGANoNoNo
120Identification of culprits behind core/pedestal degradation associated with divertor detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
121Disruptive 2/1 island width vs. q953D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
122Feedback control of detachment using bolometry inversionControlGANoNoNo
123Fast partial Ip ramp-down to avoid locked mode disruption3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
124NBI torque assisted unlocking and spinup experiments3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
125Coupled High Performance DivSOL & PedestalIntegrated ModelingORNLYesNoNo
126Co-injected Super H-Mode Physics ExplorationPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
127Using Impurity Granule Injection to assist H-mode operation in close-to-threshold scenariosELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
128Exploring new materials for impurity pellet pacing of ELMs in reactor relevant environmentELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
129Explore Impurity Pellet Induced L-H transitionsLH PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
130Develop and optimize ELM paced super H-modePedestal Transport & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
131High Z impurity transport during ELM pacing by impurity pellet injectionTurbulence & TransportPPPLNoNoNo
132A Study of Ablation for Tungsten-Alternative PFCs Due to ELMs and Hard DisruptionsPMI PhysicsORNL and NCSUYesNoNo
133Development of Eroding Surface Thermocouples for In-Tile Measurements of Surface Heat FluxPMI PhysicsSandia National LaboratoriesNoNoNo
134Interaction of NTM and broadband turbulence: experiment and comparison to theoryTurbulence & TransportUCLAYesNoNo
136High fusion yield QH-Mode core based on validated predictive simulationsTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
137High-power modulated ECRH during QH mode to Assess Transport and ECCD EfficiencyTurbulence & TransportU of TexasYesNoNo
138Understand return of ELMs in low torque QH-mode at low q95Inductive ScenariosGAYesNoYes
142Core Optimization of Advanced Inductive Scenario with Strong Electron HeatingTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
143Characterization of QCFs via parityPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
144Real time stability analysis and disruption avoidance control using DCON3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
145Disruption avoidance control using DCON real time stability analysisControlGANoNoNo
146Multiple mode phasing shifts with rotating n=1,2,3 fields to access low q953D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoNo
147High-temperature W morphology changes in the divertor during intense He plasma bombardmentPMI PhysicsGAYesNoNo
148Calibration of tungsten erosion rate via W gas puffing in the divertorPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
149Detached divertor with Super H-mode pedestalSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
150Scenario integration: developing a detached, radiating divertor to support an AT coreSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
151Adaptive ELM controlControlGANoNoNo
152Characterization of marginally suppressed plasmas using adaptive ELM controlELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
153Characterization of detachment with variation of bias away from a double null shapeSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
154Adaptive ELM Control with Advanced DivertorsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
155Advanced Divertors with adapative ELM controlSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
156Radiation profile controlControlGANoNoNo
157Off-axis NBCD study based on similarity experiments in DIII-D and ASDEX UpgradeHeating & Current DriveU of WisconsinNoNoNo
158Midplane Impurity Density AsymmetryTurbulence & TransportORAUYesNoNo
159Piggy-back measurements of helicon antenna loadingHeating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
160GPU based RWM feedback control algorithm development(Thursday evening control development)3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
161Measure Intrinsic Rotation Size scaling in DIII-D alone -IIITurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
162The effect of LSN Shape on the q95 windows in RMP ELM SuppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
163Tearing mode avoidance using EC in very high betaN, high li dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
164High li, maximum betaN at reduced q95 (< 7)Steady StateGANoNoNo
165Dependence of confinement and stability on toroidal rotation in high li dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
166The impact of increased pressure gradient on scenarios for fully noninductive operationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
167Produce fNI = 1 discharges at q_min near 1.5 using off-axis injection with varying toroidal rotationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
168Beta limit and bootstrap current fraction in ITER steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
169Establish the incremental confinement of EC power in high betaN steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
170Effect of Fast Ion Loss on L-H TransitionLH PhysicsGANoNoNo
171Assess the destabilization mechanism for the n = 1 tearing mode in steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGAYesNoNo
172Rho* Scaling of momentum transport in DIII-DTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
173Scaling of core poloidal rotationTurbulence & TransportORAUNoNoNo
174Edge poloidal rotation physicsPedestal Transport & ControlORAUNoNoNo
175Divertor ExB mapping attached./detachedSOL and Divertor PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
176ELM D and C backflowPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
177Actuator Sharing and Integrated Control Demonstration for ITERControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
178Effect of low-Z impurity on pedestal and global confinementPedestal Transport & ControlU of YorkYesYesNo
179Rotation Profile Manipulation using 3D Fields3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
180Effect of Impurities on momentum transport in IBS plasmasInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
181Radiating mantle + radiating divertorPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
182Search for Positive NTV Offset Rotation3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
183ELM control by impurity injectionSOL and Divertor PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
184Turbulent Ion Thermal Response to Electron Heat Flux and Te/Ti VariationTurbulence & TransportSandia National LabYesNoNo
185High-power helicon antenna characterization (FY16)Heating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
186Transport evolution at the onset of RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
187Net wall pumping in Helium vs. Deuterium H-mode dischargesPMI PhysicsCompXYesNoNo
188Steady state ELM free lithium induced enhanced pedestalPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
189Fully non-inductive current overdrive prospects for STIntegrated ModelingPPPLYesNoNo
190Detection of magnetic islands and Coalescence Instability in RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
191Mitigate the VH-mode X-eventSteady StateGANoNoNo
192Low torque Li-induced enhanced pedestal for ITERPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
193Fluctuation measurements in MECH limiter H-modes with RMP fieldsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
194Neutral Effects on Turbulence in Edge & Pedestal RegionTurbulence & TransportU of WisconsinNoNoNo
195Current Drive Measurements with 1 MW Helicon System (FY16)Heating & Current DriveGAYesNoNo
196Characterization of edge plasma in the case of extinguishing ELMsSOL and Divertor PhysicsCompXYesNoNo
197Control of (grad-T_e-driven) TEM in low collisionality QH-mode plasmasTurbulence & TransportUCLANoNoNo
198ELM suppressed steady state hybrid plasmasSteady StateGAYesNoNo
199ELM Suppression in Low rotation Deuterium PlasmasELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
200Exploring Fast-Ion Critical Gradient Threshold Using ECHEnergetic ParticlesORNLYesNoNo
201Effects of magnetic islands on ECCDHeating & Current DriveGANoNoNo
202Wall deposition of refraccted ECH powerHeating & Current DriveGANoNoNo
203Control EP transport in high qmin steady-state plasmas using central ECHSteady StateGANoYesNo
204Control EP transport in high qmin steady-state plasmas using central ECHEnergetic ParticlesGANoYesNo
205Another approach to super H-mode?Pedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
206Effects of magnetic islands on ECCD3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
207Tomographic Reconstruction of the Full Fast-ion Distribution Function via FIDA MeasurementsEnergetic ParticlesGANoNoNo
208Mutual alignment of gyrotrons by mirror-steering and anti-phase modulationHeating & Current DriveColumbia UNoNoNo
209Poloidal rotation of plasma column to simulate rotating wall3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
210ELM pacing by modulating RMPs at optimal q95, or modulating q95 with RMPs onELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
211Multi-Z Impurity Transport in Regimes without ELMsPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
212Core momentum transport validation: Magnetic shearTurbulence & TransportGAYesNoNo
213Main-ion particle transport in the H-mode pedestalPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
214Impact of 3D field perturbations on main-ion rotationPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
215Integrated Disruption Control3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
216Effect of impurities and wall conditioning on NTMs3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
217LIBP to probe plasma response to 3D fieldEnergetic ParticlesGANoNoNo
218Stabilization of radiatively induced tearing modes (RiTMs) using off-axis-heating3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLYesNoNo
219Further XD investigations on DIIIDSOL and Divertor Physicsuniversity of texasYesNoNo
220Low-tech locking avoidance by rotating fields, and measure of their impact on confinement and Q3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
221Low-tech "controlled locking" (and automatic locked mode suppression by automated NTM control)3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
222Measure island moment of inertia3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
223Rutherford equation at fixed beta & rotation3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
224Locked mode "catch & subdue" for recovery of pre-locking performance3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UYesNoNo
225Neutral Beam Model ValidationHeating & Current DriveGANoNoNo
226Power Dependence of the Near Edge Transport Shortfall During the L- and H-mode PhasesTurbulence & TransportCompXNoNoNo
227Core and edge particle transport and sourcesTurbulence & TransportVTT Technical Research CentreNoYesYes
228ELM Suppression with Advanced DivertorsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
229Is the plasma response to external 3D fields large in the core of SS hybrids?Steady StateConsorzio RFXNoNoNo
230Is the plasma response to external 3D fields large in the core of SS hybrids?3D & Stability PhysicsConsorzio RFXNoNoNo
231Probing flux pumping mechanisms in SS hybrids using the plasma response to external 3D fieldsSteady StateConsorzio RFXNoNoNo
232Fast Er profile changes at the onset of ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
233Prompt torque and zonal flow dampingTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
234Investigate in-out density asymmetry at large toroidal rotationTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
235Further development of QH-mode with strong co-Ip NBI torqueInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
236Investigate angular momentum diffusion and pinch using off-axis torqueTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
237Using intrinsic rotation to lower H-mode power thresholdLH PhysicsORAUNoNoNo
238Comparison of transport & microturbulence levels in positive & negative triangularity dischargesTurbulence & TransportU of Texas, AustinNoNoNo
239Competition between NBI unlocking and ECCD stabilization of locked modes3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
240Quasi-stationary Modes (QSMs)3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
241Measure NTV torque profile3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
242Measure NTV torque profileGeneral PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
243Role of emission from deuterium molecules on the radiation shortfallSOL and Divertor PhysicsAalto UNoNoNo
244D2 pellet pacing of ELMs in the low-torque ITER baselineELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoNo
245Effect of the ablation path length on SPI shutdownDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
246Characterization of final VDE during current quench following massive particle injectionDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoNo
247Effect of low order rational surfaces on MHD activity during SPI shutdownDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoNo
248Pellet pacing with true 0.9mmx1.9mm D2 pelletsELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoYes
249Return of ELMs during RMP and low torque operationELM Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
250Role of magnetic, n_e, and Te fluctuations in core H-mode confinement & comparison to simulationTurbulence & TransportUCLANoNoNo
251Off-Axis ECCD in Steady-State HybridsSteady StateGANoNoNo
252HFS shaping for ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
253Avalanche-triggered LH TransitionsLH PhysicsUCLANoNoNo
254Role of collisionality and density on rotationTurbulence & TransportThe college of William and MaryNoNoNo
255IBS low torque disruption avoidance through modified sawtooth stability3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoNoYes
256How NTMs affect edge turbulence and transportTurbulence & TransportThe college of William and MaryNoNoNo
257Modify ITER baseline scenario shape to increase outer gapInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
258Sawtooth control in low collisionality + low safety factor plasmas3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
259NTMs â??on demandâ??3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
260Compatibility of pellet fuelling with ELM suppression with I coils.Pedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
261Optimum pellet injection geometry for pellet triggering with minimum throughput/PFC power fluxesPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
262Demonstration of integrated ELM-paced pellet fuelled H-mode plasma in ITER-relevant rangePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
263Type I ELMy H-modes and ELM suppression at low Pinp/PL-H with low torque and extension to high betaELM Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
264Pedestal particle transport in ELM suppressed H-modes on medium/high Z impurities and optimizationPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
265QH-mode compatibility with pellet fuelling, radiative divertor and beta Pinput/PL-HEHO Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
266Pedestal particle transport mechanisms for high density plasmas with low core neutral sourcePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
267Characterization of EHO for the improvement of its saturated kink-peeling mode physics basisEHO Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
268Ion Cyclotron Driven Pedestal RelaxationTorkil Jensen AwardGAYesNoNo
269Active probing of tearing stability3D & Stability PhysicsConsultantNoNoNo
270Stabilization of radiatively induced tearing modes (RiTMs) using off-axis-heatingTorkil Jensen AwardPPPLYesNoNo
271Pellet ELM Pacing in the Low-Torque ITER ScenarioELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoYes
272Study of runaway plateau impurity assimilation and final lossDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoYes
273Disruption mitigation with large shell pelletDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoYes
274Rotating fields should spin plasma even in absence of mode (NTV in a moving frame)3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
275Modulate NBI for NTM probing3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
276Rotating n=3 fields by out-of-phase I-coils and C-coils3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
277Two transients with one stone: ELM and locked-mode-disruption avoidance by n=2 or 3 fields3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
278Two transients with one stone: ELM and locked-mode-disruption avoidance by n=2 or 3 fieldsELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
279Poloidal torque injection by off-axis NBI, and its effect on tearing mode physics3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
280Fast entrainment by sub-harmonic kicks3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
281Multi-n EFC by rotating fields and modes3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
282Measure poloidal asymmetry of SPI injectionDisruption MitigationGANoNoYes
283Assess RE suppression in early CQ with less perturbative SPIDisruption MitigationGANoNoYes
284Implement finite-state Off Normal Fault Response systemControlGANoNoNo
285Disruption mitigation with Li shell pelletDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoNo
286DiMES and MiMES exposure of solute enforced tungstenPMI PhysicsU of WisconsinNoNoNo
287Prong 3 approach to ELM Control in ITER Baseline Scenario (low torque)ELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoYes
288Viability of ELM Control by Pellet Pacing in the ITER Baseline ScenarioELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoYes
289Optimize RMP ELM control in low torque ITER Baseline at high collisionalityInductive ScenariosUCSDNoNoYes
290Develop and benchmark technique to measure ELM-induced peak heat flux in pumped LSN dischargesELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
291Search for Plasma Response Bifurcation to ELM Suppression in ISS discharges with n = 3 RMPELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
292Error field correction at rational surface by measurement of shielding currents â?? ECCD actuator3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
293Magnetic measurement of error field induced shielding currents by plasma geometry oscillations3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
294Rotational Stabilization on NTM, and effect on pedestal and H-mode3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
295Validate entrainment limit of 2/1 slowly rotating modes3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
296Target Lock for more robust NTM suppressionControlGANoNoNo
297Further development of Catch & SubdueControlGANoNoNo
298Determination of Runaway Electron Parameters by Measurement of Synchrotron Emission PolarizationDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoNo
299Visualization of Island and Kink Response to RMPsELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
300Fast Imaging of Visible Brehmsstrahlung for impurity transport and ZeffPedestal Transport & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
301Hardware test of second SPIDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoNo
302Characterize heat load at injection port for SPIDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
303Effect of MHD on radiation asymmetries during SPI injectionDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
304Test of dual SPI injection for disruption mitigationDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
305Sequential SPI injections in runaway plateauDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoNo
306Effect of impurity species on runaway dissipationDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
307Analysis of ECH Deposition Profile Broadening through use of MECH.Turbulence & TransportU of TexasNoNoNo
308Quiescent runaway electron studies for 2015Disruption MitigationColumbia UNoNoNo
309Optimization of runaway electron diagnostic coverageDisruption MitigationColumbia UNoNoNo
310q95 scaling of the coupled turbulence/zonal flow during LH transitionLH PhysicsU of WisconsinNoNoNo
311Collsionality scaling in AI plasmas at q95~5Turbulence & TransportU of WisconsinNoNoNo
312Impact of plasma parameter on SPI performanceDisruption MitigationITER OrganizationNoNoYes
313RMP ELM suppression in low torque ITER BaselinesInductive ScenariosUCSDNoNoYes
314Transient Plasma Interaction, Recycling, and Pedestal Recovery following Type I ELMsSOL and Divertor PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
315Origin of runaway electron cutoff energyDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoNo
316Penetration of electric field into runaway plateauDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoNo
317Disruption mitigation with x-point pre-puffDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoYes
318VDE upper vs lower heat load studyDisruption MitigationUCSDNoNoYes
319Effect of external torque variations on the turbulence-GAM interaction, and gyrokinetic analysisTurbulence & TransportKAISTNoNoNo
320Closed-loop MHD spectroscopy combined with EF correctionControlConsultantNoNoNo
321Quantification of model predictive control of flux diffusionControlConsultantNoNoNo
322Turbulence penetration into magnetic islandELM Stability & ControlNational Institute for Fusion Science, JapanNoNoNo
323Impact of Edge Harmonic Oscillations (EHO) on turbulenceEHO Stability & ControlNational Institute for Fusion Science, JapanNoNoNo
324Magnetic & density turbulence of EHO-broadband transitions, comparison to EPED and gyrokineticsEHO Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
325GPU based RWM feedback control algorithm development(Thursday evening control development)ControlUCSDNoNoNo
327Edge particle transport and turbulence investigations in different phases of n=3 RMPELM Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
328SOL density and helicon couplingHeating & Current DriveUCLANoNoNo
329Physics of 3D field perturbation on EHO and edge density profile flatteningEHO Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
330Multi-Mode n=3 Response3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
331Inner/Outer ELM Divertor Energy Deposition ComparisonSOL and Divertor PhysicsAKIMA Infrastructure ServicesNoNoYes
332Rotation scaling for penetration of low n error fields3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoYesNo
333Rotation scaling for penetration of low n error fields3D & Stability PhysicsDepartment of EnergyNoYesNo
334Nonlinear Burn Control Demonstration in ITER-relevant ConditionsControlLehigh UNoNoNo
335Sawtooth control and predictions for ITERControlEPFLYesYesNo
336Implement finite-state Off Normal Fault Response systemControlGANoNoNo
337Rotation Profile ControlControlPPPLNoNoNo
338Adaptive ELM ControlControlPPPLNoNoNo
339Adaptive EFCControlPPPLNoNoNo
340Disruption mitigation via Real-time LGI controlControlPPPLNoNoNo
341qmin controlControlPPPLNoNoNo
342Integrate QH-mode edge into low torque AI scenario with NRMFInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
343Pedestal ControlControlPPPLNoNoNo
344Extension of Super H-mode pedestal into co-injected plasmaPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
345Determine density scaling of confinement in QH-modeInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
346Understand mechanisms by which ECH influences NTM stablility3D & Stability PhysicsGANoNoNo
347EC Current Drive Physics3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
348Real-time Reduced Kinetic EFITControlPPPLNoNoNo
349Real-time Stability ControlControlPPPLNoNoNo
350Upgraded Snowflake Divertor ControlControlPPPLNoNoNo
351Multiple periods of NTM suppressionControlPPPLNoNoNo
352EC Current Drive Physics3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
353Disruptions, Exponentially Growing Islands and the Radiative Island Growth3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
354Control/Ops Evening Development TimeControlGANoNoNo
355The balance of C erosion and deposition on high-Z divertor substratesPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
356Anti-Miss NTM control3D & Stability PhysicsEPFLYesYesNo
357Combined sawtooth control and NTM preemptionControlEPFLYesYesNo
358An attempt to Edge Electro-Magnetic torque injection with feedbackControlPPPLNoNoNo
359coupling of rotating magnetic islands3D & Stability PhysicsLos Alamos National LaboratoryNoNoNo
360Develop feedback-controlled 3D equilibria3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
361DiMES tests of high-Z metal coatings for DIII-D tilesPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
362Effect of biasing on high-Z material erosionPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
363Effect of gas pressure on RE plateau mitigationDisruption MitigationGANoNoYes
364ITER NTM Control Under Radiative Island Growth3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
365Magnetic ripple effects on particle transport from the comparison between tokamak and helical deviceTurbulence & TransportNational Institute for Fusion Science, JapanNoNoNo
366Far SOL fluxes and link to detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsUCSDNoNoYes
367Study of high energy (> 700 keV) electrons generated during disruptions and low density QREsDisruption MitigationOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesNoNoNo
368Turbulence behavior in high qmin steady state scenarioSteady StateUW-MadisonNoNoNo
369n>1 Island Formation3D & Stability PhysicsORNLNoNoNo
370D3d/EAST Joint Exp. on Extending Noninductive Scenario to Higher Beta and Testing Lower NBI TorqueSteady StateASIPPNoNoNo
371DIII-D/EAST joint experiment on extending qmin>2 inductive scenario to lower torque and higher IpInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
372Comparison of the effects of ELM pellet pacing and RMP ELM mitigation on divertor conditionsSOL and Divertor PhysicsORNLNoNoNo
373Extend the ELM free phase with Li on DIIID while linking to the similar phenomenon on EASTPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
374Error field correction by measurement of shielding currents â?? rigid body vertical oscillations3D & Stability PhysicsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
375Effect on SEE on Langmuir probe measurements in the SOLPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
376Controlled injection of high-Z impurities in DIII-D using DiMESPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
377Confinement Impacts of Impurity-seeding of H-mode plasmasTurbulence & TransportU of WisconsinNoNoNo
378Fine scale stepwise q-scan: role of low-order rationales and resonance condition for ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlU of WisconsinNoNoNo
379Map the maximum performance of the low-torque ITER-similar discharges as a function of stability3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
380Map the maximum performance of the low-torque ITER-similar discharges as a function of stabilityInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
381Model-Predictive Control of Magnetic/Kinetic Profiles using fast data-driven models and observers.ControlCadaracheNoYesNo
382Extending DIII-Dâ??s operating window to achieve divertor conditions predicted for burning AT tokamaksSOL and Divertor PhysicsU of TorontoNoNoNo
383Measurements of TQ impurity transport during mitigated disruptionsDisruption MitigationORNLNoNoYes
384Physics of leading edge power loading in support of ITER divertor designPMI PhysicsUCSDNoYesYes
385Effect of electric biasing on arcingPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
386Reduced heat flux in highly powered AT plasmas using either carbon or metallic-based divertorsSteady StateGANoNoNo
387Dust re-mobilization studies using DiMESPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
388Control of tungsten surface erosion by in-situ low-Z coatingsPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
389ITER steady-state scenario in USN, +BTSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
390Ideal wall betaN stability dependency on edge pedestalSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
391Steady-state hybrid in scaled ITER shapeSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
392Control of Major Disruptions in DIII-D / ITERControlColumbia UNoNoNo
393Edge neutral density through spectroscopyGeneral PhysicsUC, IrvineNoNoNo
394Applying Phase Space Manipulation of the Beam Ion Distribution to Control MHD and Optimize Beam HeatTorkil Jensen AwardGANoNoNo
395Control of the radiation profile with multi-species puffingInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
396Understanding the radiating divertor in ITER low torque scenariosInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
397Understanding the radiating divertor in QH modeInductive ScenariosGANoNoNo
398Control needs for the D3D divertor upgradeControlGANoNoNo
399Understanding upgrade requirements for successful radiative divertor operationIntegrated ModelingGANoNoNo
400High beta_pol plasmas with enhanced pedestal temperatureSteady StateUCLANoNoNo
401Core transport model validation in high-betaP, low-torque, steady-state plasmasSteady StateUCSDNoNoNo
402Understanding the Heat Flux modification during RPM ELM SuppressionELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
403Active probing of tearing stability 23D & Stability PhysicsRetired from GANoNoNo
404Effect of metal test tiles on confinement and turbulenceIntegrated ModelingUCLANoNoNo
405Effect of metal test tiles on confinement and turbulence - duplicate of one submitted to BPMICTurbulence & TransportUCLANoNoNo
406Upper divertor snowflake studiesSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
407Detachment with strike point on metal tilesSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
408X divertor in the upper divertorSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
409Detachment with strike point on metal tilesPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
410Metallic impurity accumulation (due to tiles) differences in ELMing / ELM suppressed plasmasTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
411Metallic impurity accumulation (due to tiles) differences in ELMing / ELM suppressed plasmasPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
412FY2016 ROF Proposals Update TestGeneral PhysicsLLNLNoNoNo
413Collection of core W impurities at the OMP due to W shell pellets: A dry-runPMI PhysicsORNLYesNoNo
414Quiescent runaway electron experiments for model validation in ITER-like parameter regimesDisruption MitigationColumbia UNoNoNo
415Wind Tunnel Validation of ITER Steady-State Using ELM-Suppressed Hybrid ScenarioSteady StateGANoNoNo
416Tearing Mode Magnetic Spectroscopy using ECH3D & Stability PhysicsPPPLNoNoNo
417Modulated ECH For Transport Analysis in the He CampaignTurbulence & TransportGANoNoNo
418Divertor Detachment DynamicsSOL and Divertor PhysicsVTT Technical Research CentreNoNoNo
419Radiative Plasmas for Power Exhaust PredictionsSOL and Divertor PhysicsVTT Technical Research CentreNoNoNo
420Find a better parameter space for the ITER Baseline ScenarioInductive ScenariosColumbia UNoNoNo
421Find a better parameter space for the ITER Baseline Scenario3D & Stability PhysicsColumbia UNoNoNo
422Quantifying deuterium retention in W-coated regions of the divertor after the metal tile experimentPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
423Toroidally dependent turbulence with applied 3D fieldsPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
424Beam modulation to measure fast-ion transport by tearing modesEnergetic ParticlesUC, IrvineNoNoNo
425Beam modulation to measure fast-ion transport by 3D fieldsEnergetic ParticlesUC, IrvineNoNoNo
426Mitigation of AEs in high performance dischargesSteady StatePPPLNoNoNo
427Investigating Flux Pumping with ELM Suppression in hybridsSteady StateOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesNoNoNo
428ELM Suppression for Investigating Flux Pumping in hybridsELM Stability & ControlOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesNoNoNo
429H-mode spectroscopic studies of the erosion of W coatings in forward BTPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
430Tungsten thermal shock behavior during helium plasma exposurePMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
431Divertor heat flux modulation during RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoYesYes
432Impact of impurities and detachment on AT plasmasSteady StateGANoNoNo
433The balance of C erosion and deposition on tungsten in the divertorPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
434Measuring net W erosion and transport via disruptions on DiMESPMI PhysicsGANoNoNo
435Maximizing NBI torque shear3D & Stability PhysicsLos Alamos National LaboratoryNoYesNo
436Differential rotation driven by 3-wave coupling3D & Stability PhysicsLos Alamos National LaboratoryNoYesNo
437Informed pre-emptive RF to maintain sheared flow and suppress tearing3D & Stability PhysicsLos Alamos National LaboratoryNoYesNo
438Informed pre-emptive RF to maintain sheared flow and suppress tearing3D & Stability PhysicsLos Alamos National LaboratoryNoYesNo
439Studies of arcing on W coatings in support of W Tile Ring experimentPMI PhysicsUCSDNoNoNo
440Transport in ITER baseline plasmasInductive ScenariosITER OrganizationNoNoNo
441ITER Baseline Scenario Radiative Divertor DemonstrationInductive ScenariosITER OrganizationNoYesNo
442Divertor closure on impurity seeding detachmentSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
443Comparison the main ion and impurity flow at high-field sideSOL and Divertor PhysicsGAYesNoNo
444Helium scenarios for ITERInductive ScenariosITER OrganizationNoYesYes
445Assessing Tungsten as a Possible Material for a Future Slot Divertor with High Power AT PlasmasSOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
446Detachment thresholds vs. divertor geometrySOL and Divertor PhysicsGANoNoNo
447Observation of Kinetic Ballooning Modes in H-Mode Inner CoreTurbulence & TransportMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
448Advanced tokamak scenarios with metal tilesSteady StateLLNLYesNoNo
449Further investigation of the QH with high&wide pedestal and how EHO behaves in this new regimePedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
450Further investigation of the QH with high&wide pedestal and how EHO behaves in this new regimeEHO Stability & ControlGANoNoNo