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ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
5Optimization of Counter-current Beam Heating in Steady State ScenariosSteady StateGAYesNoNo
13Optimize & test robustness of qmin>1.5, fNI=1 scenarioSteady StateLLNLNoNoNo
38Higher betaN, lower torque SS-hybridsSteady StateColumbia UYesNoNo
45Extend performance of qmin > 2 AT scenario by optimizing MHD stabilitySteady StateColumbia UNoNoNo
50Kink and tearing stability in low rotation qmin~1.5 scenario using n=2 NTVSteady StateDepartment of EnergyYesNoNo
58Why Does the Heat Flux Increase in the Secondary Divertor Under the BetaN = constant Constraint?Steady StateGANoNoNo
62Can Radiating Divertor Be Effective for AT Plasmas at Elevated Power Input?Steady StateGANoNoNo
63Can Flux Expansion Help Control Carbon Influx in AT Plasmas at Elevated Power Input in Long Pulse?Steady StateGANoNoNo
83Optimal Plasma Shape for High-Beta, Steady-State Hybrid ScenarioSteady StateGANoNoNo
92Evaluate Prospect for ITB in high q-min Steady Scenarios for FNSFSteady StateRetiredYesNoNo
93Optimizing ITER Steady State Scenarios with High-qmin (qmin > 1.5)Steady StateRetiredNoYesNo
94Control of n=1 Tearing Modes using Off-axis Broad ECCD in Steady State Discharges with qmin > 1.5Steady StateRetiredYesNoNo
99Performance Enhancement via qmin controlSteady StatePPPLNoNoNo
117Scenario integration: developing a detached, radiating divertor to support an AT coreSteady StateGANoNoNo
119Super H-mode pedestal with detached divertorSteady StateGANoNoNo
163Tearing mode avoidance using EC in very high betaN, high li dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
164High li, maximum betaN at reduced q95 (< 7)Steady StateGANoNoNo
165Dependence of confinement and stability on toroidal rotation in high li dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
166The impact of increased pressure gradient on scenarios for fully noninductive operationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
167Produce fNI = 1 discharges at q_min near 1.5 using off-axis injection with varying toroidal rotationSteady StateGAYesNoNo
168Beta limit and bootstrap current fraction in ITER steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
169Establish the incremental confinement of EC power in high betaN steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGANoNoNo
171Assess the destabilization mechanism for the n = 1 tearing mode in steady-state scenario dischargesSteady StateGAYesNoNo
191Mitigate the VH-mode X-eventSteady StateGANoNoNo
198ELM suppressed steady state hybrid plasmasSteady StateGAYesNoNo
203Control EP transport in high qmin steady-state plasmas using central ECHSteady StateGANoYesNo
229Is the plasma response to external 3D fields large in the core of SS hybrids?Steady StateConsorzio RFXNoNoNo
231Probing flux pumping mechanisms in SS hybrids using the plasma response to external 3D fieldsSteady StateConsorzio RFXNoNoNo
251Off-Axis ECCD in Steady-State HybridsSteady StateGANoNoNo
368Turbulence behavior in high qmin steady state scenarioSteady StateUW-MadisonNoNoNo
370D3d/EAST Joint Exp. on Extending Noninductive Scenario to Higher Beta and Testing Lower NBI TorqueSteady StateASIPPNoNoNo
386Reduced heat flux in highly powered AT plasmas using either carbon or metallic-based divertorsSteady StateGANoNoNo
389ITER steady-state scenario in USN, +BTSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
390Ideal wall betaN stability dependency on edge pedestalSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
391Steady-state hybrid in scaled ITER shapeSteady StateORNLNoNoNo
400High beta_pol plasmas with enhanced pedestal temperatureSteady StateUCLANoNoNo
401Core transport model validation in high-betaP, low-torque, steady-state plasmasSteady StateUCSDNoNoNo
415Wind Tunnel Validation of ITER Steady-State Using ELM-Suppressed Hybrid ScenarioSteady StateGANoNoNo
426Mitigation of AEs in high performance dischargesSteady StatePPPLNoNoNo
427Investigating Flux Pumping with ELM Suppression in hybridsSteady StateOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesNoNoNo
432Impact of impurities and detachment on AT plasmasSteady StateGANoNoNo
448Advanced tokamak scenarios with metal tilesSteady StateLLNLYesNoNo