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ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
24Neoclassical origin of density pumpoutPedestal Transport & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
41Pedestal transport studies in matched hydrogen and deuterium dischargesPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
42Intrinsic pedestal rotation in hydrogen plasmasPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
59Can the Non-Resonant RMP/Puff and Pump be Effective in Divertor Heat Flux Reduction?Pedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
78Continuos High Pressure Pedestal with Lithium and Pedestal ControlPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
81Electromagnetic fluctuations and transport during ELM cycles and comparison to theory and simulationPedestal Transport & ControlUCLAYesNoNo
104Pedestal stability at low collisionalityPedestal Transport & ControlUCLANoNoNo
126Co-injected Super H-Mode Physics ExplorationPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
130Develop and optimize ELM paced super H-modePedestal Transport & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
143Characterization of QCFs via parityPedestal Transport & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
174Edge poloidal rotation physicsPedestal Transport & ControlORAUNoNoNo
178Effect of low-Z impurity on pedestal and global confinementPedestal Transport & ControlU of YorkYesYesNo
188Steady state ELM free lithium induced enhanced pedestalPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
192Low torque Li-induced enhanced pedestal for ITERPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
205Another approach to super H-mode?Pedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
211Multi-Z Impurity Transport in Regimes without ELMsPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
213Main-ion particle transport in the H-mode pedestalPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
214Impact of 3D field perturbations on main-ion rotationPedestal Transport & ControlGAYesNoNo
260Compatibility of pellet fuelling with ELM suppression with I coils.Pedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
261Optimum pellet injection geometry for pellet triggering with minimum throughput/PFC power fluxesPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
262Demonstration of integrated ELM-paced pellet fuelled H-mode plasma in ITER-relevant rangePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
264Pedestal particle transport in ELM suppressed H-modes on medium/high Z impurities and optimizationPedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
266Pedestal particle transport mechanisms for high density plasmas with low core neutral sourcePedestal Transport & ControlITER OrganizationYesYesYes
300Fast Imaging of Visible Brehmsstrahlung for impurity transport and ZeffPedestal Transport & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
344Extension of Super H-mode pedestal into co-injected plasmaPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
373Extend the ELM free phase with Li on DIIID while linking to the similar phenomenon on EASTPedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo
423Toroidally dependent turbulence with applied 3D fieldsPedestal Transport & ControlORNLYesNoNo
449Further investigation of the QH with high&wide pedestal and how EHO behaves in this new regimePedestal Transport & ControlGANoNoNo