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ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
23Diagnosis of n=1 structures during n>1 RMP-ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
34Influence of plasma shape on ELM suppression at low collisionalityELM Stability & ControlCCFENoYesNo
69Adaptive ELM ControlELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
85ELM suppression exploration with n=1 RMPELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
87The exploration of EM torque injection unlocking approach in various locking conditionsELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
89Pedestal Pressure Adjustment and ELM Regularization via Real-time LGI controlELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
127Using Impurity Granule Injection to assist H-mode operation in close-to-threshold scenariosELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
128Exploring new materials for impurity pellet pacing of ELMs in reactor relevant environmentELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
152Characterization of marginally suppressed plasmas using adaptive ELM controlELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
154Adaptive ELM Control with Advanced DivertorsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
162The effect of LSN Shape on the q95 windows in RMP ELM SuppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
186Transport evolution at the onset of RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
190Detection of magnetic islands and Coalescence Instability in RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGAYesYesYes
193Fluctuation measurements in MECH limiter H-modes with RMP fieldsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
199ELM Suppression in Low rotation Deuterium PlasmasELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
210ELM pacing by modulating RMPs at optimal q95, or modulating q95 with RMPs onELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
228ELM Suppression with Advanced DivertorsELM Stability & ControlGANoNoNo
232Fast Er profile changes at the onset of ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoNoYes
244D2 pellet pacing of ELMs in the low-torque ITER baselineELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoNo
248Pellet pacing with true 0.9mmx1.9mm D2 pelletsELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoYes
249Return of ELMs during RMP and low torque operationELM Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
252HFS shaping for ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlPPPLYesNoNo
263Type I ELMy H-modes and ELM suppression at low Pinp/PL-H with low torque and extension to high betaELM Stability & ControlITER OrganizationYesNoYes
271Pellet ELM Pacing in the Low-Torque ITER ScenarioELM Stability & ControlORNLNoNoYes
278Two transients with one stone: ELM and locked-mode-disruption avoidance by n=2 or 3 fieldsELM Stability & ControlColumbia UNoNoNo
287Prong 3 approach to ELM Control in ITER Baseline Scenario (low torque)ELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoYes
288Viability of ELM Control by Pellet Pacing in the ITER Baseline ScenarioELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoYes
290Develop and benchmark technique to measure ELM-induced peak heat flux in pumped LSN dischargesELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
291Search for Plasma Response Bifurcation to ELM Suppression in ISS discharges with n = 3 RMPELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
299Visualization of Island and Kink Response to RMPsELM Stability & ControlUCSDNoNoNo
322Turbulence penetration into magnetic islandELM Stability & ControlNational Institute for Fusion Science, JapanNoNoNo
327Edge particle transport and turbulence investigations in different phases of n=3 RMPELM Stability & ControlUCLANoNoNo
378Fine scale stepwise q-scan: role of low-order rationales and resonance condition for ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlU of WisconsinNoNoNo
402Understanding the Heat Flux modification during RPM ELM SuppressionELM Stability & ControlPPPLNoNoNo
428ELM Suppression for Investigating Flux Pumping in hybridsELM Stability & ControlOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesNoNoNo
431Divertor heat flux modulation during RMP ELM suppressionELM Stability & ControlGANoYesYes