ID |
Title |
Research Area |
Name |
Affiliation |
Time Req'ed |
Presentation |
ITPA Joint Exp |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task |
3 | High qmin with betaN > 4 | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Victor | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
4 | Effect of rotation on confinement and stability in the high qmin scenario | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Victor | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
6 | H vs. D Core Transport Model Validation at High Te/Ti | Isotope mass Thrust | Grierson | GA | Yes | General | Yes | Yes |
9 | Improved H-mode access in mixed H/He plasmas | Isotope mass Thrust | Schmitz | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
10 | The role of RE-driven kinetic instabilities on formation of post-disruption RE beam | Disruption Mitigation Thrust | Lvovskiy | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
12 | Toward Initiation of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode without NBI | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
13 | Impact of broadened pressure profile on AE stability in qmin>2 reversed shear steady state scenario | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Collins | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
21 | High performance in the qmin~1.5 scenario | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Thome | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
23 | Simultaneous Control of n=1 and n=2 Resistive Wall Modes and Stability Measurements | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Battey | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
24 | Tuning of Controller/Observer Gains for n=1 and n=2 Resistive Wall Mode Control | Control | Battey | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
25 | How fast can we go? | Torkil Jensen | Victor | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
28 | Effect of Isotopic Mass on Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Core and Pedestal Turbulence and Intrinsic Rotation | Isotope mass Thrust | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
29 | Parametric Variation of Pedestal Turbulence and Transport in Wide Pedestal QH-Mode | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
30 | Multi-scale/field pedestal turbulence, transport, drive, damping just prior to ELM and inter-ELM | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
31 | Optimization of hydrogen H-mode transition targeting ITER's Pre Fusion Plasma Operation Stage | Isotope mass Thrust | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
32 | Testing and validating low pedestal height with high core confinement plasmas | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
33 | Is core ITB in high-betap plasmas due to ExB velocity shear or magnetic shear? | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
34 | Physics of density pump-out with application of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP) | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
35 | Reduction of background carbon via boron dropper for a closer approach to fusion reactor conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
36 | Turbulence spreading from pedestal into SOL and testing models/scalings of lambda_q | Div/SOL Turbulence and transport | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
37 | Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Path to Super H-Mode | Inductive Scenarios | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
38 | Role of turbulence in "No man's land" in determining pedestal structure and core profiles of H-mode | Turbulence and transport | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
39 | Revisit pellet triggered L-H transition and understand underlying turbulence suppression mechanisms | L-H transition | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
40 | characterize divertor detachment in closed divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
41 | Impurity Transport and Carbon Reduction in Wide Pedestal QH-Mode | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
45 | Coupling of drift-closure v.s. good performance pedestal assisted with dissipative divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
47 | Divertor configuration effects on the L-H power threshold | L-H transition | Yan | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
49 | When Is Ion Thermal Transport Neoclassical in the H-mode Pedestal? | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Haskey | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
50 | D2 pellet pacing with tangential injection | ELM Control | Wilcox | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
51 | Deuterium poloidal rotation measurements using main ion CER spectroscopy | Rotation physics | Haskey | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
52 | Pellet pacing with with peeling-limited pedestal | ELM Control | Wilcox | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
53 | Power Flow Through the Ion Channel for Hydrogen and He-doped L-H transition at ITER relevant Qe/Qi | Isotope mass Thrust | Haskey | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
54 | NTV Electron Root as Cause of Core Velocity Hollowing with On-Axis ECH in Very High Te H-Mode Core | Rotation physics | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
55 | Soft-landing of a major disruption using 3D fields | Torkil Jensen | Du | GA | Yes | General | No | No |
58 | Assess robustness of ITER baseline plasma response control | 3DSP | Hanson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
59 | Assess kinetic RWM stability of ITER steady-state scenario | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Hanson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
60 | Measure and control resistive kink mode stability | 3DSP | Hanson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
61 | Measure the influence of profile broadness on global stability | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Hanson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
62 | Disruption Avoidance via ECCD Stabilization of Locked Islands and the Impact of Current Condensation | 3DSP | Reiman | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
63 | Effect of Divertor Closure on Dust Transport | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Andrew | Imperial College London | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
64 | Liquid Metal Dust Break-up Mechanisms | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Andrew | Imperial College London | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
65 | Negligible background carbon via boron dropper for a closer approach to fusion reactor conditions | Torkil Jensen | Rhodes | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
68 | Isotope Mass Scaling of Turbulence, Transport and Confinement | Isotope mass Thrust | McKee | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
69 | EHO dominated sustained wide-pedestal QH-mode | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
70 | Constrain first principles L-H transition models: Favorable/unfavorable grad-B in Helium plasmas | Isotope Mass Thrust | Schmitz | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
72 | H-mode access in electron-heat dominated ITER PFPO hydrogen plasmas | Isotope Mass Thrust | Schmitz | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
74 | Modify RE distribution function with externally launched helicon (whistler) waves | Torkil Jensen | Paz-Soldan | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
76 | RMP-ELM Suppression Access Conditions with the actual ITER shape | Inductive Scenarios | Paz-Soldan | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
78 | RMP-ELM Control in Strongly Shaped Plasmas | ELM Control | Paz-Soldan | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
80 | B x gradB drift, divertor config, Carbon effects on QH-mode | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Chen | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
86 | H-mode Access Dependence on Divertor Magnetic Configuration | L-H transition | Andrew | Imperial College London | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
87 | Density Dependence of L-H Transition | L-H transition | Andrew | Imperial College London | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
89 | Sustainment of high Super H core confinement | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Knolker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
90 | Impurity transport in diverted negative triangularity discharges | Turbulence and transport | Sciortino | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
91 | Effect of ionization in the sheath on prompt redeposition of high-Z impurities | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
92 | Decouple target inward/outward asymmetries due to ExB drift and due to finite ion gyro-radius | Surface Evolution | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
93 | Characterize arc ignition threshold due to ELM deposition | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
94 | Core impurity contamination by unipolar arcing on high-Z PFCs and on SiC | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
96 | High-resolved ELM filament properties: spatial frequency, q_perp, j_sat, profiles of n_e and T_e | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
97 | Inter-ELM pedestal turbulence and transport when ELMs appear in wide-pedestal QH-mode | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
98 | A new path to ELM mitigation | Torkil Jensen | Knolker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
99 | Scaling of ELM suppression threshold | ELM Control | Hu | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
100 | Understanding density pump-out in ELM control experiment | ELM Control | Hu | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
101 | ELM suppression by n=1 Ex-Vessel Coil at high qmin | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Hu | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
102 | Density pump-in by RMP in H-mode plasma | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Hu | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
104 | Radially inward propagation of pedestal after L-H transition until the first ELM | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
105 | L-H Transitions dynamics: Impact of the beam voltage and its effects on the edge rotation shear | L-H transition | Banerjee | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
106 | Dependence of core-edge impurity transport on plasma shaping in Ti~Te and Ti>>Te regimes | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Sciortino | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
107 | Optimization of impurity transport in RMP ELM-suppressed discharges with variable ECH location | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Sciortino | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
110 | Controlled ITB formation with narrow current channel | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Victor | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
111 | Controlled ITB formation with narrow current channel | Torkil Jensen | Victor | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
112 | Measurement of surface incident ion direction using engineered targets on DiMES at DIII-D | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Skinner | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
113 | Characterization of SOL impurity accumulation using 13CH4 injection and collector probes | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Zamperini | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
114 | Characterizing the radial/poloidal structure of SOL impurity accumulation with collector probes | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Zamperini | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
117 | Validate theory-based integrated scenario modeling for high qmin | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
118 | High density & high qmin | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
119 | High qmin in ITER shape | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
120 | Disentangling impacts of heating scheme and neutral sourcing on pedestal structure | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Nelson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
121 | High qmin in lower elongation, Z = +10 cm plasma with far off-axis NBCD | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
122 | Alfven Eigenmode Stability and Fast Ion Transport with Hydrogen and Deuterium Beams | Isotope Mass Thrust | Van Zeeland | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
123 | Alfven Eigenmode Stability and Fast Ion Transport with Helium and Deuterium Beams | Isotope Mass Thrust | Van Zeeland | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
125 | Optimize BT for high qmin | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
126 | Effect of Isotope Mass on Intrinsic Rotation and Momentum Transport in H-Mode Plasmas | Isotope Mass Thrust | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
127 | Identify and assess pedestal magnetic fluctuations in H-mode plasmas in DIII-D | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Chen | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
128 | Dependence of upstream low-Z impurity accumulation on ExB drift direction | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Nichols | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
129 | Dependence of upstream high-Z impurity accumulation on ExB drift direction | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Nichols | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
130 | Time resoved measurements of CX D energy and flux density at the midplane with MiMES | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
131 | Isotope identity pair in H and D type I ELMy H-modes | Isotope mass Thrust | Maggi | CCFE | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
132 | Disruption Prediction via Random Forests v2.0 and Interpretability | 3DSP | Rea | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
133 | Rho* scaling in Hydrogen type I ELMy H-modes | Isotope mass Thrust | Maggi | CCFE | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
134 | Validation of core and edge transport models in Hydrogen L-mode | Isotope mass Thrust | Maggi | CCFE | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
135 | Reducing the L-H power threshold in H plasmas with pellets | Isotope mass Thrust | Wilcox | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
136 | Impurity Transport from Core to Edge in IBS-like Conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Howard | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
137 | Impurity Transport from Core to Edge in Steady State Hybrid Conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Howard | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
141 | Isotope effect and the role of divertor geometry | Isotope Mass Thrust | Casali | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
142 | Helical core in high performance scenario | Turbulence and transport | Knolker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
143 | Development of high radiation scenario with dual seeding in open and closed divertors | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Casali | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
148 | Impurity particle balance model in order to characterize near-SOL accumulation of carbon using 13CH4 | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Duran | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
149 | QH-mode for Q=10 IBS at Zero NBI torque by reducing the pressure profile peaking | Inductive Scenarios | Garofalo | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
151 | Test hypothesis for the cause of improved energy confinement at lower NBI torque | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Garofalo | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
154 | How does divertor drift affect upstream profiles? | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
155 | Characterize the impact of 3D fields on divertor closure and detachment in SAS | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Hinson | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
156 | Impact of magnetic perturbations on SOL force balance | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Hinson | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
157 | Perturbative Measurements of Helicon Power Deposition and Transport | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Brookman | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
158 | Effect of O-mode deposition radius on tearing mode onset and impurity profiles in high betaN plasmas | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
159 | Low level RMP feedback to control deuterium/impurity buildup in high power, high performance plasmas | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
160 | How changes in ROSP, fueling location, and dRsep during D2 injection affect hybrid performance | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
161 | Effect of seed selection, ROSP, and magnetic balance on successful radiating divertor operation | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
162 | Is krypton better than argon as a mantle seed in high power, high performance hybrid plasmas? | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
163 | Two-impurity approach as an optimal radiating divertor solution for DIII-D | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
164 | Effect of reversing the grad-B drift on high betaN plasmas under radiating divertor conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
165 | Increase the ideal MHD limits, and the passively stable operational space, of steady-state plasmas | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
166 | Impact of EC location and CD on current evolution, confinement and stability of steady-state plasmas | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
167 | Proximity of tearing mode onset to ideal limits in high-beta plasmas | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
168 | Extend Zero Torque Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Operation to IBS Parameters | Inductive Scenarios | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
169 | Study the access to the hybrid regime, the conditions for its sustainment and its consequences | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
170 | Tailor the T=0 IBS to achieve the fusion power and gain mission | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
171 | Assess the impact of EC power location on the performance and the stability of the T=0 IBS | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
172 | Integrate ITER relevant perturbations to the IBS, assess options to maintain stability & performance | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
173 | Asses the benefits and impact of ohmic or heated L-mode phase in the IBS ramp-up | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
174 | Make DIII-D a W or no W machine | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
175 | Make DIII-D a W or no W machine | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
176 | Reversing the direction of the impurity pinch at ITER-relevant edge conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Nelson | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
177 | Evaluate the effect of penetration theory on RMP ELM suppression | ELM Control | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
178 | Use NBI to evaluate n=2 RMP penetration position | 3DSP | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
183 | Evaluate the effect of penetration theory on RMP ELM suppression | ELM Control | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
184 | Use NBI to evaluate n=2 RMP penetration position | 3DSP | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Yes | Yes |
185 | Exploring the role of nonlinear MHD in triggering tearing modes | 3DSP | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
186 | Exploring the role of fluctuation-based dynamos in magnetic flux pumping | 3DSP | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
187 | Scaling of 2D structure of detachment front | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Jarvinen | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
188 | Electron- and ion-heat dominated L-H transition regimes | L-H transition | Schmitz | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
195 | Obtaining High Core Confinement with High Edge Confinement using Pedestal Control | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Kolemen | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
197 | Test the new method for finding the 3D perturbation needed to avoid tearing | 3DSP | Kolemen | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
200 | Locking Avoidance in high q_min by Dynamic Error Field Correction Assisted by 3D Field Entrainment | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Okabayashi | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
202 | Pedestal and core impurity transport in super H-mode discharges | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Odstrcil | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
203 | Fast particle effects on transport of high Z ions with HFS asymmetry | Turbulence and transport | Odstrcil | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
204 | Understanding the Impact of the Tokamak Edge on Rf Propagation | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Brookman | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
208 | Investigation of high-Z impurity pump-out mechanism inside of saturated MHD modes | Turbulence and transport | Odstrcil | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
209 | Isotope mass dependence of multichannel transport | Isotope Mass Thrust | Odstrcil | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
211 | Shape Thresholds for Super H Access and Application to JET DT Campaign | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Snyder | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
214 | Hybrid approac to Super H-mode | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
215 | Core-Edge Compatibility of Super H Mode with Closed Divertor | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Snyder | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
216 | Test ExB shear importance in QH using co-Ip approach | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Chen | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
218 | The Disruption Free Protocol | Control | Barr | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
219 | Detection of marginally stable modes in high qmin scenarios using the MM MHD spectroscopy vs shape | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
220 | Metastable multiphase tungsten compounds: toward new fusion friendly material?* | Innovative Materials Evaluation | Guterl | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
221 | Detection of marginally stable modes in high qmin scenarios using the MM MHD spectroscopy vs q95 | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
222 | Apply MM MHD spectroscopy results from #219/#221 experiments to achieve ELM suppression in high qmin | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
223 | Use the multimode MHD spectroscopy in real time to control the NBI and modify the modes stability | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
224 | Integrate a divertor solution in the T=0 IBS | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
225 | Detachment onset with X-point height | Dissipative Divertor Physics | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
227 | Impact of plasma opacity on divertor detachment | Dissipative Divertor Physics | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
228 | Use new off-axis CD tools to improve noninductive sustainability of high beta AT plasma | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Garofalo | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
230 | Study the high density branch of RMP ELM suppression in the IBS | Inductive Scenarios | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
231 | Study the high density branch of RMP ELM suppression in the IBS | ELM Control | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
232 | Impact of spectral contamination of the MWIR region | Dissipative Divertor Physics | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
237 | Influence of isotope on H-mode density limit | Isotope Mass Thrust | Hong | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
238 | Mapping the Super H-mode Boundary and Bifurcation | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Bortolon | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
239 | Pedestal structure and stability as a function of Te/Ti and momentum injection | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Banerjee | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
240 | How much protection does detachment give us from ELMs? | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Samuell | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
241 | High performance core at high radiative fraction with real-time impurity feedback control | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Abbate | PPPL | Yes | General | No | No |
242 | Controlled low Z melting experiments using DiMES in support of ITER | Surface Evolution | Rudakov | UCSD | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
243 | Optimizing the process for developing 2D reconstructions of divertor conditions | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Samuell | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
244 | Are kinetics the missing piece in our ability to predict impurity velocities in the SOL? | SOL Flows | Samuell | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
246 | Interpret W I & W II emission to benchmark S/XB coefficients & infer prompt redeposition fractions | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Ennis | Auburn U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
254 | Compatibility of QH-mode with Radiative Divertpr | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Wilks | MIT | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
255 | Contribution of molecules to radiated power | Dissipative Divertor Physics | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
256 | Avalanche-like electron heat transport events in MHD-quiescent plasmas | Turbulence and transport | Choi | Korea Institute of Fusion Energy | Yes | General | No | No |
257 | Detachment onset in SAS: The mysterious case of shot 173537 with a fully attached divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
260 | Wide pedestal QH-mode at low Zeff through real-time boronization | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Bortolon | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
261 | Exploring the role of nonlinear MHD in triggering tearing modes in Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
264 | Impact of ELM size and footprint on W sputtering and W leakage from open & closed divertors | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Abrams | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
267 | Detachment onset in SAS: The curious case of missing neutral pressure at cold plasma onset in 175816 | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
268 | Map and optimize the fully non-inductive operational space for the steady-state hybrid scenario | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
271 | Detachment onset in SAS: The peculiar case of a Te cliff in 175816 with BxgradB out of the divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | McLean | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
276 | Super QH-mode with feedback controlled radiation | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Eldon | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
280 | Physics requirements for high pressure staircase pedestal formation | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
281 | Perturbative study of inter-ELM pedestal localized instabilities | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Laggner | North Carolina State | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
282 | Explore the use of the RMP to control the heat flux peak in high BetaP plasmas. | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
283 | Exploring Access Conditions to Standard QH and WPQH Pedestals | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Wilks | MIT | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
284 | ELM-phase dependence on transport for different experimental conditions | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Izacard | Princeton U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
285 | Understanding the connection between ELM suppression and magnetic footprint size. | ELM Control | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
286 | Assess the benefits of the hybrid vs the high-qmin AT scenarios | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
290 | Collisionality Dependence of Quasi-Coherent Fluctuations | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Ashourvan | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
291 | Elucidate the Physics Setting the I-mode Pedestal | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Hughes | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
292 | Dependence of staircase pedestal formation on input power in the RMP grassy-ELM regime | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Ashourvan | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
293 | Divertor detachment control based on Langmuir Probes measurement | Control | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
294 | Characterization of Te fluctuations in the divertor and main SOL | Div/SOL Turbulence and transport | Rudakov | UCSD | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
295 | Pedestal Structure and Neutral Source Measurement | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Rosenthal | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
296 | Imaging of turbulence in the divertor and SOL and poloidal asymmetries | Div/SOL Turbulence and transport | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
298 | Optimize fast ion confinement in high qmin plasmas at high beta ! | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
300 | Study of MHD modes near L-H transition in H, H+D and H+He plasmas | Isotope Mass Thrust | Solano | Ciemat | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
301 | QH-mode similarity experiment between DIII-D and AUG with co-current beams | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Viezzer | U of Seville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
303 | ECEI and MIR contribution | ELM Control | Zhu | UC Davis | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
304 | How changes in ROSP, fueling location, and dRsep during D2 injection affect hybrid performance | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
305 | Effect of seed selection, ROSP, and magnetic balance on successful radiating divertor operation | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
308 | Effect of reversing the grad-B drift on high betaN plasmas under radiating divertor conditions | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Petrie | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
309 | Validate beta_e dependence of helicon CD | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Garofalo | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
311 | Proximity of tearing mode onset to ideal limits in high-beta plasmas | 3DSP | Turco | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
312 | Exploring the role of nonlinear MHD in triggering tearing modes in IBS and adv. ind. hybrid scenario | Inductive Scenarios | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
313 | Exploring the role of fluctuation-based dynamos in magnetic flux pumping | Inductive Scenarios | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
317 | Role of edge neoclassical particle transport and grad(B) drift direction in I-mode transitions | Turbulence and transport | Sciortino | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
318 | Exploring the role of nonlinear MHD in triggering tearing modes in high-qmin and steady-state hybrid | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
319 | Exploring the role of fluctuation-based dynamos in magnetic flux pumping | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Chapman | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
320 | Access super H-mode in ITER Q=10 baseline target | Inductive Scenarios | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
321 | Further PCS Development on q-profile Control and NTM Suppression | Control | Pajares | Lehigh U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
322 | Integrated Control of Individual Scalars | Control | Pajares | Lehigh U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
327 | Effect of drifts in Ne/N2 seeded SAS divertor | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Casali | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
328 | Impurity screening in closed divertors | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Casali | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
329 | Magnetic geometry as an actuator for detachment stability and control | Advanced Magnetic Configurations | Samuell | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
330 | Development of high radiation scenario with dual seeding in open and closed divertors | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Casali | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
331 | Minimize upstream density for divertor detachment and test radiation detachment model | Impurity Radiative Divertor Dependence on Divertor Closuree | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
332 | Detachment at horizontal and vertical targets | Advanced Magnetic Configurations | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
333 | Validation of Predict First Simulations using CCOANB 210 | Steady State Scenarios & High qmin Thrust | Grierson | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
349 | isotope scaling at constant rhostar | Isotope Mass Thrust | scott | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
351 | Machine Learning based Instability Prediction & Avoidance | Control | Kolemen | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
359 | Neutrals: How fast are they going and where are they headed? | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Samuell | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
361 | Simultaneous measurement of electron and ion particle transport from ITG up to TEM dominated plasma | Isotope Mass Thrust | Tala | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
362 | Fuel Ion Particle Transport using H/D Isotopes | Isotope Mass Thrust | McKee | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
363 | Assessing impact of SAS alignment on divertor particle content and transition to detachment | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Lore | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
364 | Dependence of divertor conditions on SOL width in SAS configuration | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Lore | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
365 | Power Threshold Studies in Mixed Ion Species Plasmas | Isotope Mass Thrust | Plank | IPP Garching | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
366 | DIII-D Experiments in Support of ITPA DSOL Detachment Research | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Reinke | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
367 | Wide pedestal access at high power in QH-mode and RMP Hybrid plasmas. | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
368 | Limits of RMP ELM Suppression Toward Double Null | ELM Control | Shafer | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
369 | Limits of RMP ELM Suppression Toward Double Null | ELM Control | Shafer | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
371 | ICE Mode Structure | Energetic Particle Physics | DeGrandchamp | UC, Irvine | Yes | Breakout | Yes | No |
373 | Measuring net and gross erosion rates of SiC in DIII-D divertor at forward Bt | Surface Evolution | Rudakov | UCSD | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
375 | direct detection of islands with rotating n=1 RMP | ELM Control | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
376 | Main ion rotation in ELM suppression | ELM Control | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
377 | RMP ELM suppression for inductive Hybrid plasmas relevant to the ITER Q=10 mission | Inductive Scenarios | Nazikian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
378 | Impact of isotope and first wall on plasma (Te, Zeff, q) during IP ramp-up | Isotope mass Thrust | Mailloux | UKAEA | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
379 | Compare H-mode plasmas with controlled ELMs in H, He, D | Isotope mass Thrust | Mailloux | UKAEA | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
380 | Investigate impact of isotope on plasmas at low and high beta/power and at low and high torque | Isotope mass Thrust | Mailloux | UKAEA | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
381 | Evaluate the effect of penetration theory on RMP ELM suppression | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
382 | Use NBI to evaluate n=2 RMP penetration position | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
383 | Active MHD Spectroscopy of Edge Harmonic Oscillation (EHO) Mode Control for QH-mode | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
384 | Active MHD Spectroscopy of Edge Harmonic Oscillation (EHO) Mode Control for QH-mode | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | WANG | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
385 | Effect of 3D fields on turbulence and transport in DIII-D plasmas | Turbulence and transport | Kumar Barada | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
386 | Complete plasma turbulence measurements of DIII-D L-mode plasmas | Turbulence and transport | Burke | LLNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
388 | Characterization of tungsten transport and leakage in the SAS divertor | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Ma | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
389 | Rotating MPs to study the change of ELMs in AUG similar shapes | ELM Control | Willensdorfer | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
390 | Characterization of tungsten transport and leakage in the SAS divertor | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Ma | ORAU | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
391 | Max-Planck-Institut f�¼r Plasmaphysik | ELM Control | Willensdorfer | Max-Planck-Institut f�¼r Plasmaphysik | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
392 | Rotating MPs to study helically edge localized modes in AUG similar shapes | ELM Control | Willensdorfer | Max-Planck-Institut f�¼r Plasmaphysik | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
396 | Overdriven ELM Suppression | ELM Control | Lyons | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
398 | Parametric Dependence of Turbulence and Transport on rho-star in low-rotation H-mode plasmas | Turbulence and transport | McKee | U of Wisconsin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
400 | Verification of Imaging Fast Ion D-Alpha and application to EP model validation | Energetic Particle Physics | Marini | ORAU | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
402 | Nonlinear Effects of Impurity Dilution, Te/Ti, Safety Factor, and Magnetic Shear on Transport | Turbulence and transport | Ernst | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
404 | Experimentally test edge code predictions of strong correlation between T_e_target and n_D2_target | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Stangeby | U of Toronto | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
405 | Max-Planck-Institut f�¼r Plasmaphysik | ELM Control | Willensdorfer | Max-Planck-Institut f�¼r Plasmaphysik | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
410 | Radiative divertor with impurity seeding at moderate density | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Jarvinen | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
411 | Impurity seeded radiative divertor in L-mode | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Jarvinen | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
412 | Test H-L back transition transient mitigation strategies in detachment | Core-Edge Integration Task Force incorporating Thrust: Core-Edge Scenario Optimization | Eldon | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
413 | Redistribute plasma momentum and particles in divertor due to the coupling of drift and sheath | SOL Flows | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
415 | Power and momentum detachment in impurity seeded plasmas and test radiation detachment model | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
416 | Characterization of pedestal/SOL coupling at X-point in detached conditions | Dissipative Divertor Physics | Jarvinen | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
417 | Collisionality effects on ELM dynamics in the high-betaP scenario | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Weisberg | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
418 | Investigating RWM stability in the high-betaP scenario | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Weisberg | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
423 | Characterizing the widths of heat flux footprint in closed diverotr | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Ren | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
424 | Fueling effects of metal Rings in the divertor | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
425 | Characterizing the widths of heat flux footprint in closed diverotr | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Ren | UTK | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
426 | Characterizing the widths of heat flux footprint in closed diverotr | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Ren | UTK | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
427 | Characterization of the impact of baffling on SOL profiles at varying plasma decay lengths | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Jarvinen | VTT Technical Research Centre | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
428 | Interplay of particle control and drifts in detached divertors | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Shafer | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
430 | How does closure impact the path to complete detachment? | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Canik | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
435 | Fully non-inductive high betap scenario at q95~6-7 | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Huang | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
436 | Probing the drift effect by actively biased SAS divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Ren | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
439 | Exploring high-frequency small-ELM regime in hybrid scenario on DIII-D | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Wang | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
443 | Compatibility of highly radiative divertor with high beta_p scenario | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Wang | ASIPP | Yes | Breakout | No | Yes |
450 | Explore the Basis of Realizing ITER Q=10 at Ip<=9MA on DIII-D | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Ding | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
451 | Combine the MM MHD spectroscopy, ML, RT DCON to control q95 and beta and modify the modes stability | 3DSP | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
452 | Develop High Betap Scenario toward High Non-Inductive Current Fraction at q95~6 on DIII-D | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Ding | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
453 | Investigate the Turbulence Suppression in High Betap Plasmas when Te is Close to Ti | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Ding | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
454 | Validating Dominant Micro-Turbulence Instabilities in DIII-D high BetaP Scenarios | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Jian | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
455 | Detection of marginally stable modes in high betaP scenarios using the MM MHD spectroscopy | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Munaretto | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
465 | Test free-streaming+recycling model (FSRM) for W sputtering during ELMs at low collisionality | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Abrams | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
466 | Plasma flow in a closed divertor | Particle Balance and Impact of Divertor Closure Including SAS on Detachment Thrust | Leonard | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
467 | Main-ion, impurity and electron profile evolution throughout the ELM cycle | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Haskey | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
468 | absorption study of top launch ECCD scheme | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Chen | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
469 | compare the off-axis ECCD efficiency between top and outside launch | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Chen | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
470 | Measuring intra-ELM D recycling on pre-exposed W surfaces | Surface Evolution | Sinclair | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
477 | Optimizing NTV torque profiles with multi-modal 3D control | 3DSP | Weisberg | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
478 | O-mode absorption and refraction for top launch ECH | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Petty | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
480 | Radiative divertor in high-betap plasma by utilizing SAS and local impurity injection | DIII-D/EAST Task Force/Thrust | Wang | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
481 | Develop QH Mode for HFS LHCD Experiments | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Wukitch | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
482 | Pyroid HT Material Assessment using DiMES | Innovative Materials Evaluation | Wukitch | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
483 | Off-axis NBCD measurement with 210 CCOANB | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Park | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
487 | Measure Peak Current Drive Efficiency in Non-Inductive Scenerio | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Brookman | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
492 | Understanding outliers of ITER error field correction criteria | 3DSP | Park | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
493 | Establishment of High Power Operation of Comb-line Antenna Operation with Plasma | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Pinsker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
494 | Measurement of high-efficiency central current drive with helicon system | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Pinsker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
495 | SAS, meet DN | Advanced Magnetic Configurations | Thomas | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
497 | Reducing the L-H power threshold in D plasmas with pellets | L-H transition | Wilcox | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
499 | Helicon Current Drive Measurements | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Petty | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
500 | Tracking erosion and redeposition of crystalline SiC in the DIII-D divertor | Surface Evolution | Sinclair | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
502 | Scaling of turbulence properties with ion mix | Isotope mass Thrust | Carter | UCLA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
508 | Understand divertor leakage & SOL accumulation using isotopic methane & main ion puff/pump methods | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Unterberg | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
512 | Parametric decay study with helicon launch | Heating & Current Drive Physics (including Thrust: Validation of New Current Drive Tools) | Pinsker | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
513 | Boundary Ion temperature measurement based on retarding field analyzer | Divertor Closure | Ren | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
514 | MGI-assisted-SPI for decreased radiation asymmetries and increased penetration depth | Disruption Mitigation Thrust | Sweeney | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
516 | Role of Quasi-symmetric Magnetic Perturbations on LH-transition and pedestal transport | 3DSP | Zarnstorff | Princeton U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
519 | Role of poloidal rotation on pedestal instabilities | Pedestal Physics and Pedestal Structure & QH Thrust | Pankin | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
520 | Impact of Nonresonant Magnetic Perturbations on L-H and H-L Transitions | L-H transition | Logan | Columbia U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
534 | Doublet shape in DIII-D | Torkil Jensen | Austin | U of Texas, Austin | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
535 | Demonstration of impurity control via an actively heated divertor in DIII-D | Torkil Jensen | Abrams | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
540 | SAS 2 precursor experiments | Particle Balance and Detachment Characterization in Closed Divertors Thrust | Watkins | Sandia National Lab | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
541 | Soliton like Shock Front Dynamics during Pellet Deposition in H-mode | Torkil Jensen | Baylor | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
543 | Strategy for ELM control | ELM Control | Loarte-Prieto | ITER Organization | Yes | General | No | Yes |
544 | 3-D ELM suppressed regime access/exit | ELM Control | Loarte-Prieto | ITER Organization | Yes | General | No | Yes |
545 | 3-D ELM suppressed H-mode and pellet fuelling | ELM Control | Loarte-Prieto | ITER Organization | Yes | General | No | Yes |
553 | Studying the PMI properties of advanced tungsten alloys with DiMES | Innovative Materials Evaluation | Allain | U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
559 | Impurity leakage from a closed divertor during RMP application | Impact of Divertor Geometry on Divertor Leakage and SOL Impurity Transport - SAS-1W Potential Thrust | Hinson | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |