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ID | Title | Research Area | Name | Affiliation |
Time Req'ed |
Presentation |
ITPA Joint Exp |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task |
64 | Liquid Metal Dust Break-up Mechanisms | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Andrew | Imperial College London | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
91 | Effect of ionization in the sheath on prompt redeposition of high-Z impurities | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
93 | Characterize arc ignition threshold due to ELM deposition | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
94 | Core impurity contamination by unipolar arcing on high-Z PFCs and on SiC | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
96 | High-resolved ELM filament properties: spatial frequency, q_perp, j_sat, profiles of n_e and T_e | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
112 | Measurement of surface incident ion direction using engineered targets on DiMES at DIII-D | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Skinner | PPPL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
128 | Dependence of upstream low-Z impurity accumulation on ExB drift direction | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Nichols | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
130 | Time resoved measurements of CX D energy and flux density at the midplane with MiMES | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bykov | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
148 | Impurity particle balance model in order to characterize near-SOL accumulation of carbon using 13CH4 | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Duran | U of Tennessee, Knoxville | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
235 | Physics of real-time wall conditioning by B dust injection | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Bortolon | PPPL | No | Breakout | No | No |
246 | Interpret W I & W II emission to benchmark S/XB coefficients & infer prompt redeposition fractions | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Ennis | Auburn U | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
337 | ECRH plasma production on DIII-D | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Wauters | LPP-ERM-KMS ΓΆΒ?Β? Brussels ΓΆΒ?Β? Belgium (EUROfusion member) | No | Breakout | Yes | Yes |
406 | W-pellet injection to calibrate the DIII-D Collector Probe | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Stangeby | U of Toronto | No | Breakout | No | No |
465 | Test free-streaming+recycling model (FSRM) for W sputtering during ELMs at low collisionality | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Abrams | GA | Yes | Breakout | No | No |
508 | Understand divertor leakage & SOL accumulation using isotopic methane & main ion puff/pump methods | Materials Migration and Mitigation | Unterberg | ORNL | Yes | Breakout | No | No |