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Below is a public summary listing:

ID Title Research Area Name Affiliation Time
Joint Exp
ITER IO Urgent
Research Task
655World first deuterium poloidal rotation measurements using main ion CER spectroscopyTorkil Jensen AwardHaskeyPPPLYesNoNo
579Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Core and Pedestal Compatibility with Electron HeatingThrust 3 - ELM ControlErnstMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
338Welcome to the 2018 ROF - note you don't need to re-enter last year's proposalsGeneral PhysicsFenstermacherLLNLNoNoNo
652W deposition from a complete core source with shell pellets and collector probeAMV - Material Migration and MitigationUnterbergORNLYesNoNo
408Voltage controlled SuperSpas for plasma shape controlD&C - Plasma ControlHyattGANoNoNo
641Visible spectroscopy for impurity flux from and temperature of leading edges on DiMES (#640 for AMV)AMV - Material Migration and MitigationBykovGAYesNoNo
448VFI-less Plasma operationsD&C - Plasma ControlHyattGANoNoNo
453Verification of Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer and its application to the phase-space flow studyBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsDuGANoNoNo
612Variations in Thermomechanical Stability between Amorphous and Polycrystalline SiCAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentBringuierGANoNoNo
670Validation of high-Z dust ablation models in edge plasmaGeneral PhysicsGuterlGAYesNoNo
666Validate low-k magnetic turbulence predictions relevant to the burning plasma coreBPP - Turbulence and TransportGuttenfelderPPPLNoNoNo
605Validate EPED and Eich's ELM model in He plasmasPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
366Using up/down asymmetry to Increase the intrinsic rotationThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsVictorLLNLYesNoNo
664Unique Code Validation via Comparison of HFS/LFS and exploring up/down asymmetry in turbulenceBPP - Turbulence and TransportSungKAISTYesNoNo
552Understanding W edge transport via introducing a well-defined W sourceEAST - BoundaryDingASIPPYesNoNo
628Understanding the limits of confinement from internal transport barriersEAST - Scenarios and TransportMcClenaghanGANoNoNo
672Understanding the physics of RMP density pump-outPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationSungKAISTNoNoNo
576Understanding improved confinement in negative triangularity dischargesBPP - Turbulence and TransportAustinU. TexasNoNoNo
573Understanding improved confinement in negative triangularity dischargesBPP - Turbulence and TransportAustinU of Texas, AustinNoNoNo
560Understanding divertor closure's effect on power dissipation and radiation by impurity seedingThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentCasaliU of Tennessee, KnoxvilleNoNoNo
561Understanding divertor closure's effect on SOL impurity transportThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentCasaliU of Tennessee, KnoxvilleNoNoNo
565Understand effect of resonant vs non-resonant magnetic perturbations on L-H transition dynamicsBPP - L-H transitionKrieteU of WisconsinYesNoNo
391Turbulnce in detaching and detached divertorDDS - TurbulenceBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
510Turbulence and core intrinsic rotation hollowingThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsStoltzfus-DueckPPPLNoNoNo
490Triton Burn-up Study in DIII-D TokamakBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsZhuUC, IrvineNoNoNo
550Transport in the no man's land: how pedestal performance propagates to the coreCore-Edge Integration Task ForceBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
558Transport alteration and confinement improvement via radiative impurity-seedingCore-Edge Integration Task ForceMcKeeU of WisconsinNoNoNo
592Toroidally-resolved lobe dynamics in ELM-mitigated and ELM-suppressed scenariosThrust 3 - ELM ControlBykovGAYesNoNo
400The Most Effective Radiating Divertor That DIII-D Can Presently Make in the DN ShapeCore-Edge Integration Task ForcePetrieGANoNoNo
401The Most Effective Radiating Divertor That DIII-D Can Presently Make in the DN ShapeThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentPetrieGANoNoNo
396The Interplay of Magnetic Balance With Divertor Closure and Its Effect on Radiating Div PerformanceCore-Edge Integration Task ForcePetrieGAYesNoNo
479The hysteresis between the access of ELM suppression and its exitThrust 3 - ELM ControlLaggnerNorth Carolina StateYesNoNo
467The effects of divertor detachment on pedestal width scalingPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationWangGAYesNoNo
659testing the transparent materials with DIMESAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentPigarovCompXNoNoNo
536Testing of a new neutral H sensor for C-X H fluxes on the wall and divertorAMV - Material Migration and MitigationBartonSandia National LabNoNoNo
642Testing and control of radiation divertor with neon and argon seeding in high beta_p scenarioEAST - BoundaryWangASIPPYesNoNo
379Test stability and confinement of qmin>2, q95<7 steady-state scenarioD&C - Steady State ScenariosHolcombLLNLYesNoNo
591Test of micrograin Mo mirror conceptAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentThomasGANoNoNo
497Test of effect of wall stabilizationD&C - Steady State ScenariosLuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
514Test DIII-D NB operation to 93 kVBPP - Heating & Current DriveLuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
553Test compatibility of radiative divertor with QH-modeThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)GarofaloGAYesNoNo
500Test advanced inductive performance vs q95 at fixed BThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)LuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
582Sustain and investigate EDA H-mode regime at near zero torquePE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationKumar BaradaUCLAYesNoNo
465Superposition of dual SPIs for TQ mitigation � part 2D&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsHerfindalORNLNoNoYes
376Super H-mode with broader current density profileD&C - Steady State ScenariosVictorLLNLYesNoNo
486Super H-Mode Pedestal Optimization: Effect of fuelling source, density and currentPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationSnyderORNLYesNoNo
427Super H-mode Access by Counter Beam Injection with n=3 RMP.Thrust 3 - ELM ControlNazikianGAYesNoNo
424Studying the Ability of External Heating to Modify Impurity Transport in Reactor ScenariosBPP - Turbulence and TransportHowardMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
390Study properties of the singularity that is the X-pointDDS - TurbulenceBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
388Study of the thermal quench during minor disruption triggered by RMPsD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsHuPPPLYesNoNo
619Study of ELM Dynamics using Fast Main-Ion CERPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationAshourvanGANoNoNo
669Study of Electro-Magnetic quasi-coherent fluctuation under various plasma conditionsBPP - Turbulence and TransportChenUCLAYesNoNo
429Study of cold-pulse dynamics and 'nonlocal transport effects' using perturbative LBO injectionsBPP - Turbulence and TransportRodriguez FernandezMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
606Studies of Arcing on high-Z PFC SurfacesAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceRudakovUCSDNoNoNo
643Steady-state, high beta_pol plasma utilizing the SAS divertorCore-Edge Integration Task ForceVictorLLNLYesNoNo
580Steady-state hybrids with higher ideal MHD limitsD&C - Steady State ScenariosTurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
450Stable zero torque IBS with dominant e- heating and low collisionalityThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)TurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
397Stable Super H-mode with optimized pedestal densityCore-Edge Integration Task ForceKnolkerGAYesNoNo
442Stability of Plasma with Derivative of Current Profile Equal to zeroThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)KolemenPPPLNoNoNo
441SPI penetration depth / assimilation efficiencyD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsLehnenITER OrganizationNoNoYes
440SPI injection into the early current quenchD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsLehnenITER OrganizationNoNoYes
356Spectroscopic analysis of SiC preferential sputteringAMV - Material Migration and MitigationAbramsGAYesNoNo
589SiC versus SiC Composite Dimes TestsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentThomasGANoNoNo
679SiC Sputtering and Near-surface Characterization Under He BombardmentAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceBringuierGAYesNoNo
676Shot-shot reproducibility against wall loading of impuritiesD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
438Shallow injection with shards onlyD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsMichaelITER OrganizationNoNoYes
344Search for Te cliff at inner strike point in reverse BtDDS - Drifts and FlowsEldonGANoNoNo
419Search for path towards zero torque QH-mode for IBS and scaling of critical ExB shear requirementsThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)WilksMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
454Scaling of Detachment Front Structure with IP, BT, Heating Power, and X-point HeightDDS - DissipationJarvinenVTT Technical Research CentreYesNoNo
633Scaling of Detachment and Radiative Divertor with SOL heat fluxDDS - DissipationJarvinenVTT Technical Research CentreNoNoNo
587SAS meets DNThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentThomasGANoNoNo
636Safety Factor Profile Optimization of Wide Pedestal QH-Mode for Electron HeatingThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)ErnstMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
355Rotating n=2 fields with edge ECCD to reduce ELM suppression threshold amplitudeThrust 3 - ELM ControlWilcoxORNLYesNoNo
663Role of the turbulent transport due to a broadband MHD in association with a change in Er structureThrust 3 - ELM ControlOnoQSTNoNoNo
369Role of micro-turbulence in intrinsic rotation reversals through JET DIII-D similarity experimentsThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsNaveInstituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, PortugalYesNoNo
364Role of divertor geometry on confinementCore-Edge Integration Task ForceMordijckThe college of William and MaryNoNoNo
434RMP Spectrum Control to Improve H-mode AccessBPP - L-H transitionSchmitzUCLANoNoNo
433RMP ELM Suppression with Lithium Enhanced PedestalCore-Edge Integration Task ForceNazikianGAYesNoNo
626RMP ELM suppression in the IBS with radiating divertor by Ar injectionThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)TurcoColumbia UYesYesNo
361RMP ELM suppression in the high betaP scenario at lower q95EAST - Control and StabilityWeisbergGANoNoNo
487RMP ELM mitigation and suppression in the Super H-Mode regimeThrust 3 - ELM ControlSnyderORNLYesNoNo
658RMP effects on heavy non-recycling impurity confinement and exhaustCore-Edge Integration Task ForceHinsonORNLNoNoNo
564RMP effects on He confinement and exhaustCore-Edge Integration Task ForceHinsonORNLNoNoNo
624Revisiting preemptive NTM locking avoidance with improved feedback logic in high ���²N plasmaD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsOkabayashiPPPLNoNoNo
505Revisit zero torque advanced inductive scenarioThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)LuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
604Resonant fast-ion transport by applied 3D fieldsBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsHeidbrinkUC, IrvineNoNoNo
506Reproduce past IBS He plasmas in D to compare H-mode characteristics for ITERPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationMarinoniUCSDNoNoNo
521Reduce AE induced EP transport in high q-min steady state scenarios with AE control toolsD&C - Steady State ScenariosCollinsORNLYesYesNo
533Reduce AE induced EP transport in high q-min steady state scenarios with AE control toolsBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsCollinsORNLYesYesNo
457Real-time Stability Analysis for Stability ControlD&C - Plasma ControlKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
656Real-time Stability Analysis for Stability ControlD&C - Plasma ControlKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
404RE plateau vertical loss rate during high-Z dissipationD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsHollmannUCSDNoNoNo
416ramp-up optimization for access to high qmin SSD&C - Steady State ScenariosMaria PoliPPPLNoNoNo
413Ramp-down (dedicated+piggyback) survey for disruption avoidanceD&C - Plasma ControlBarrGANoNoNo
611Radiative divertor solutions in the ITER baseline scenarioThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)LuceITER OrganizationNoYesNo
372Radiation saturation at reduced Ne quantity by order of magnitude increase in D2 inventoryD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsSweeneyMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoYes
418Quantify contribution of resistivity to external kink mode stabilityD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsHansonColumbia UYesNoNo
620QH-mode without NBIThrust 3 - ELM ControlBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
417QH-mode with zero torque throughoutThrust 3 - ELM ControlBurrellGANoNoNo
621QH-mode similarity experiment between DIII-D and AUG with co-current beamsThrust 3 - ELM ControlViezzerU of SevilleYesNoNo
412Prospects for Suppressing Impurity Buildup at the Plasma Center During ECH Heating of AT PlasmasCore-Edge Integration Task ForcePetrieGANoNoNo
414Prospects for Suppressing Impurity Buildup at the Plasma Center During ECH Heating of AT PlasmasCore-Edge Integration Task ForcePetrieGAYesNoNo
395Prospects for Suppressing Impurity Buildup at the Plasma Center During ECH Heating of AT PlasmasBPP - Heating & Current DrivePetrieGANoNoNo
653Preferential sputtering of Si or C from SiC versus temperatureAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceUnterbergORNLYesNoNo
610Power loading at toroidal PFC gapsAMV - Material Migration and MitigationRudakovUCSDNoYesYes
660Poloidal rotation measurements using main ion CER spectroscopyThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsHaskeyPPPLNoNoNo
389Poloidal asymmetry of RS inward momentum pinch and USN/LSN dependenceCore-Edge Integration Task ForceBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
371plasma response to n=2 rotating RMP with q95 scan between 4 and 6Thrust 3 - ELM ControlLiuGANoNoNo
541Plasma Response and ELM Supssion Dependence on SN v DNThrust 3 - ELM ControlShaferORNLNoNoNo
594Physics of Puff and PumpCore-Edge Integration Task ForceAllenLLNLNoNoNo
602Performance of irradiated W, SiC, and SiC/W composites as a PFC materialAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceAbramsGAYesNoNo
671Pellet induced H-mode with Tangential D2 Pellet InjectionBPP - L-H transitionBaylorORNLNoNoNo
501Pellet ELM pacing with field aligned tangential injectionThrust 3 - ELM ControlBaylorORNLNoNoYes
354Pedestal Stability in ELM free ECH H-modePE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationChrystalGANoNoNo
482PCS setup for proposal #477D&C - Plasma ControlLaggnerNorth Carolina StateNoNoNo
481PCS setup for proposal #370D&C - Plasma ControlLaggnerNorth Carolina StateNoNoNo
455PCS Optimization of DIII-D Disruptivity Reduction via Deep Learning GuidanceD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsTangPPPLYesNoNo
462PCS Optimization of DIII-D Disruptivity Reduction via Deep Learning GuidanceD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsKates-HarbeckPPPL/Harvard UYesNoNo
534PCS implementation of Machine Learning algorithm for disruption predictionD&C - Plasma ControlReaMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
474Particle source location and its impact on the pedestalCore-Edge Integration Task ForceLaggnerNorth Carolina StateYesNoNo
471Parametric Study of Mode Stability, Frequency, and Wave Number Dependence in Mixed Species PlasmasBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsTangOak Ridge Associated UniversitiesYesYesNo
522Optimum EC and CD location in high betaN hybridsD&C - Steady State ScenariosTurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
509Optimum current profile for the integrated core/pedestal performanceD&C - Steady State ScenariosParkORNLNoNoNo
507Optimization of ELMfree high-performance plasmas at negative triangularityBPP - Turbulence and TransportMarinoniUCSDYesNoNo
439Optimisation of multiple SPID&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsLehnenITER OrganizationNoNoYes
475Onset and scaling of helical cores in hybrid plasmasCore-Edge Integration Task ForceWingenORNLYesNoNo
476Onset and scaling of helical cores in hybrid plasmasD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsWingenORNLYesNoNo
614Non thermal contribution to MWIR during ELMs, disruptions and in detachment (ROF2017 #177)General PhysicsBykovGANoNoNo
415n=2 Locking Threshold Scaling for ITERD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsLoganColumbia UNoYesNo
517n=1 RMP ELM suppression with full I+C coil optimizationThrust 3 - ELM ControlParkPPPLYesNoNo
488n=1 RMP ELM suppression (in conjunction with intrinsic error fields, phasing and shape dependence)Thrust 3 - ELM ControlInUlsan National Institute of Science and TechnologYesNoNo
625Measuring the effect of edge Z effective on RMP ELM suppression via impurity injectionThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)WeisbergGANoNoNo
634Measuring poloidal variations of cross-field transport in the DIII-D SOLDDS - DissipationCoveleGANoNoNo
350Measuring net and gross erosion rates of SiC in DIII-D divertor and main chamberAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceRudakovUCSDNoNoNo
667Measurement of poloidal flow structuresBPP - Turbulence and TransportBortolonPPPLYesNoNo
668Measurement of poloidal flow structuresBPP - Turbulence and TransportBortolonPPPLYesNoNo
562Measurement of local erosion/redeposition impulse functionAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceHinsonORNLYesNoNo
639Measurement of 3D ion impact geometry by erosion of med-Z spherical micro particlesAMV - Material Migration and MitigationBykovGAYesNoNo
383Measure halo & core temperatures during type I & II VDE'sD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsEidietisGAYesNoYes
603Measure D retention/recycling properties of bulk SiC versus fibrous SiC/SiC in DIII-D divertorAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentAbramsGAYesNoNo
343Mapping the Te cliff using detachment controlDDS - Drifts and FlowsEldonGANoNoNo
480Magnetic topology identification by dual soft X-ray camera system during non-rotating n=2 RMPThrust 3 - ELM ControlDuGANoNoNo
398Magnetic Balance Combined with Divertor Closure and Its Effect on Radiating Diverter PerformanceThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentPetrieGANoNoNo
638Machine Learning based Disruption Prediction & AvoidanceD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
529Low-current runaway electron plateau dissipation by injected impuritiesD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsLvovskiyGANoNoNo
422Low Torque n=1 Locking Threshold Scaling with RotationD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsParkPPPLYesYesYes
420Low n, Low Field ELM-suppression with edge ECCDThrust 3 - ELM ControlLoganColumbia UNoNoNo
385Low energy NBI for efficient angular momentum injectionTorkil Jensen AwardEidietisGAYesNoNo
547Long range impurity transport in the H-mode scrape off layerDDS - Drifts and FlowsSamuellLLNLYesNoNo
673LH power threshold, confinement scaling and CER calibration in C plasmasBPP - Turbulence and TransportMarinoniUCSDNoNoNo
443Langmuir probe based detachment controlD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
360L-H Transitions dynamics: Impact of the beam voltage and its effects on the edge rotation shearBPP - L-H transitionDialloPPPLNoNoNo
377ITPA Joint Experiment on gamma-ray measurements of runaway electronsD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsLvovskiyGANoYesNo
451ITER Baseline Scenario with zero and negative rotationThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)TurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
452ITER Baseline Scenario at Zero and Negative RotationThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)LuceITER OrganizationNoYesNo
409Isotope scaling at fixed grad-teGeneral PhysicsscottPPPLYesNoNo
508Island suppression using real-time Thomson Scattering enhanced EFITD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsRoelofsPPPLNoNoNo
406Investigation on impurity transport and turbulence in internal transport barriersBPP - Turbulence and TransportSciortinoMax-Planck Institute for Plasma PhysicsNoNoNo
405Investigation on core impurity transport in ITER-relevant ELM-y and QH-mode plasmasBPP - Turbulence and TransportSciortinoMax-Planck Institute for Plasma PhysicsYesNoNo
657Investigation of turbulence changes with ELM suppression by RMPsBPP - Turbulence and TransportSungKAISTNoNoNo
461Investigation of runaway electron-driven magnetized plasma wave and whistler in tokamakBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsDuGANoNoNo
511Investigation of loss of linear current scaling at low q95BPP - Turbulence and TransportLuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
470Investigation of fuel recycling on tungsten in fusion-relevant conditionsAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceGuterlGAYesNoNo
674Investigating the link between electron scale fluctuations and the ECH density pump-outBPP - Turbulence and TransportMarinoniUCSDNoNoNo
485Investigate the Turbulence Suppression in High Betap Plasmas when Te is Close to TiEAST - Scenarios and TransportDingGAYesNoNo
403Investigate impact of energetic particles on neoclassical toroidal viscosityThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsWangPPPLYesNoNo
520Intrinsic rotation in detached divertorThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsGriersonGANoNoNo
551Intrinsic Rotation in a Negative Triangularity PlasmaThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsAshourvanGANoNoNo
623Intrinsic rotation drive and RS asymmetries with geometry. USN/LSN and poloidal variationThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
348Intrinsic Rotation Dependence on Plasma ShapeThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsdeGrassieGANoNoNo
530Intrinsic Rotation and Core Transport in Wide Pedestal QH-Mode with Electron HeatingThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsErnstMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
363Integration of Deep Learning Disruption Predictor with Plasma Control SystemD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsTangPPPLNoNoNo
595Integrated Current Profile Control and NTM Stabilization DemonstrationD&C - Plasma ControlSchusterLehigh UNoNoNo
382Inside-out mitigation with B & B+W shell pelletsD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsEidietisGAYesNoYes
650Influence of thin in-situ Si coatings on SOL carbon contentAMV - Material Migration and MitigationUnterbergORNLYesNoNo
598Influence of SiC Microstructure and Texture on SputteringAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentBringuierGANoNoNo
353Increase normalized beta of torque-free 3rd harmonic EC heated ITER baseline scenario plasmasThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)Paz-SoldanColumbia UNoNoNo
378Increase beta_n in high qmin plasmas with variable voltage beamsD&C - Steady State ScenariosVictorLLNLYesNoNo
349In-situ formation of Si-C coatings on DiMESAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceRudakovUCSDYesNoNo
531Impurity spreading physics and impact on fast shutdown propertiesD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsShirakiORNLNoNoYes
463Impurity Assisted Detachment in Moderate to High Density ConditionsDDS - DissipationJarvinenVTT Technical Research CentreYesNoNo
380Improved stability of high qmin plasmas through feedback control of the loop voltage profileD&C - Steady State ScenariosVictorLLNLYesNoNo
340Improved stability of counter rotating plasmasThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsVictorLLNLYesNoNo
586Improve pedestal of wide-pedestal QH-mode with ECH and RMP and study the effect on LCOsThrust 3 - ELM ControlKumar BaradaUCLAYesNoNo
627Impact of siliconization on SAS divertor performanceThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentAbramsGAYesNoNo
421Impact of shape and q95 on QH-mode EHO behaviorPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationWilksMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
568Impact of medium Zi dilution of deuterium pasma on core and edge turbulence and transportCore-Edge Integration Task ForcePorkolabMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
570Impact of medium Zi dilution of deuterium pasma on core and edge turbulence and transportBPP - Turbulence and TransportPorkolabMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
644Impact of main ion dilution on core and edge turbulence and transport in high performance IBSsThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentMarinoniUCSDNoNoNo
651Impact of gaps/trenches on high-Z material migrationAMV - Material Migration and MitigationUnterbergORNLYesNoNo
566Impact of Divertor Conditions on Radial Electric Field at the Pedestal-SOL BoundaryCore-Edge Integration Task ForceJarvinenVTT Technical Research CentreNoNoNo
572Imaging of the ELM suppression mechanism using MIR and ECEIThrust 3 - ELM ControlZhuUC, DavisYesNoNo
571Imaging of the ELM suppression mechanism using MIR and ECEIThrust 3 - ELM ControlZhuUC DavisYesNoNo
493I-mode identity experiment on DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade: access, performance and transportPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationHappelMax-Planck-Institut f�¼r PlasmaphysikYesYesNo
494I-mode identity experiment on DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade: access, performance and transportPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationHappelMax-Planck-Institut f�¼r PlasmaphysikYesYesNo
556High-Z and textured surface arcing susceptibilityAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceJaworskiPPPLNoNoNo
498High qmin, high beta in smaller shapeD&C - Steady State ScenariosParkORNLYesNoNo
484High Pedestal in Hybrid Scenario With Unfavorable Grad-B Drift DirectionD&C - Steady State ScenariosPettyGANoNoNo
365High opacity SOL effect on pedestalCore-Edge Integration Task ForceMordijckThe college of William and MaryNoYesYes
662HFS LHCD Passive High Z Metallic Structure TestBPP - Heating & Current DriveWukitchMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoNoNo
373helium startup characterizationD&C - Plasma ControlWalkerGANoNoYes
555Helium plasma detachment behavior in closed divertorDDS - DissipationMeierZap Energy Inc.NoNoNo
549Helium Campain 2018General PhysicsSamuellLLNLYesNoNo
590Heated SiC Dimes TestsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentThomasGANoNoNo
665H-mode impurity transport dependence on beam fuelingBPP - Turbulence and TransportThomeGANoNoYes
645H-mode at negative triangularity as a feasibility study for future machinesCore-Edge Integration Task ForceMarinoniUCSDNoNoNo
525Global confinement and edge rotation for private, strike, and common flux pumpingCore-Edge Integration Task ForceGriersonGANoNoNo
368Get Advance Inductive QH Mode to Zero TorqueThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)ButteryGAYesNoNo
518Further investigation of the saturation & underlying transport mechanism of EHO to allow ELM stableThrust 3 - ELM ControlChenGAYesNoNo
631Further investigation of the saturation & underlying transport mechanism of EHO to allow ELM stablePE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationChenGANoNoNo
596Further Development of Real-time Optimization for MHD-free Steady-state OperationD&C - Plasma ControlSchusterLehigh UNoNoNo
446Feedback control of the edge rotation shear using variable beam voltage and perveanceD&C - Plasma ControlBoyerPPPLNoNoNo
629Feedback control of current and stored energy in non-inductive scenarios on DIII-DD&C - Plasma ControlBoyerPPPLNoNoNo
428Feedback control of 2/1 locked mode phase with RMP and synchronized ECCDD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsChoiGANoNoNo
601Fast-ion transport by BAAEsBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsHeidbrinkUC, IrvineNoNoNo
654Fast-ion and AE control via externally applied 3D fieldsBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsGarcia MunozU of SevilleNoYesNo
532Fast shutdown with argon shattered pelletD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsShirakiORNLNoNoNo
648Extend Zero Torque Wide Pedestal QH-Mode Operation to IBS ParametersThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)ErnstMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
426Extend robust ELM suppression to the Q=10 ITER baseline scenario.Thrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)NazikianGAYesYesNo
535Extend fully non-inductive high betap scenario to Ip~1MA towards Q=5 mission of ITEREAST - Scenarios and TransportHuangASIPPYesNoNo
425Extend ELM suppression to DN Hybrid Fully Non-Inductive plasmasD&C - Steady State ScenariosNazikianGAYesNoNo
430Extend broad pedestal QH regime to high power and high densityThrust 3 - ELM ControlNazikianGAYesNoNo
649Exposure of graphitic foam with CVI SiC coatingsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentUnterbergORNLYesNoNo
537Expose UFG W to DIII-D discharges to demonstrate improved properties useful in future PFCsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentBartonSandia National LabNoNoNo
431Exploring the avoidance of NTM-locking-induced disruption in High-beta n & low-q dischargesD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsInoueQSTYesNoNo
502Exploring new reactor concepts: H-mode at negative triangularityTorkil Jensen AwardMarinoniUCSDYesNoNo
504Exploring new reactor concepts: H-mode at negative triangularityBPP - Turbulence and TransportMarinoniUCSDYesNoNo
526Explore rotation thresholds with variable upper triangularityThrust 3 - ELM ControlPaz-SoldanColumbia UNoNoNo
437Exploration of Fully Non-inductive High �²p Scenarios with QH-mode EdgeEAST - Scenarios and TransportQianASIPPNoNoNo
449Exploit and explore the new stable zero torque ITER Baseline ScenarioThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)TurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
393ExB drifts in detached divertor and X-pointDDS - Drifts and FlowsBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
495Evaluation of ITER startup scenarioD&C - Plasma ControlWalkerGANoNoYes
578Establish in-shot boronization for low collisionality operationGeneral PhysicsBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
540Erosion Characterization of W-alternative PFMs under L-mode & H-mode using Micro-Trench TechniqueAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentCoburnSandia National LabYesNoNo
585Er dependency of NTVThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsLeeNational Fusion Research InstituteNoNoNo
456EPED-NN-based feedback control of pedestal parametersD&C - Plasma ControlBoyerPPPLNoNoNo
468Enhanced quasi-coherent fluctuations and associated transport in detached plasmasDDS - TurbulenceWangGANoNoNo
647ELMs and ELM pacing in an ITER-baseline without NBIThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)BortolonPPPLNoNoNo
543ELMs and ELM mitigation during ITER relevant Ip ramp-up/downThrust 3 - ELM ControlBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
357ELM-resolved measurements of high-Z re-deposition fractionsAMV - Material Migration and MitigationAbramsGAYesNoNo
563ELM suppression with rotation control with NBI voltageThrust 3 - ELM ControlKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
630ELM suppression in the SASThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentNazikianGAYesNoNo
519ELM suppression in the low torque IBS using rotating n=2 fieldsThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)WangPPPLYesNoNo
523ELM suppression in a matched KSTAR shape with n=2 fieldsThrust 3 - ELM ControlEvansGANoNoNo
524ELM suppression in a matched KSTAR shape with n=2 fieldsThrust 3 - ELM ControlEvansGANoNoNo
367ELM studies close to LH boundaryPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationKnolkerGAYesYesNo
478ELM pacing using impurity pellet injectionThrust 3 - ELM ControlLaggnerNorth Carolina StateNoNoNo
637ELM filament footprint in j, q_perp, Da etc. (#583 for AMV)AMV - Surface Evolution ScienceBykovGAYesNoNo
538Electron Temperature Profile Stiffness in Wide Pedestal QH-ModeBPP - Turbulence and TransportErnstMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
472Effects of radiative fluctuations and current convective instability on detachmentDDS - TurbulenceGuterlGAYesNoNo
559Effects of divertor closure on pedestal fueling and non-diffusive transport with pellet fuelingCore-Edge Integration Task ForceShaferORNLNoNoNo
607Effect on SEE on Langmuir probe measurements in the SOLDDS - TurbulenceRudakovUCSDNoNoNo
569Effect of SAS divertor on pedestalThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentMoserGANoNoNo
362Effect of RMP on RE spatial gradients (in QRE)D&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsPaz-SoldanColumbia UNoNoNo
677Effect of RMP application on the dissipative divertor regimeThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentSchmitzUW MadisonNoYesYes
661Effect of pumping on secondary strike pointDDS - Drifts and FlowsEldonGANoNoNo
583Effect of prompt and delayed fuel re-emission on apparent SP footprint during ELMsThrust 3 - ELM ControlBykovGAYesNoNo
445Effect of plasma rotation on ELM suppression threshold and density pump-out by RMPsThrust 3 - ELM ControlHuPPPLNoNoNo
469Effect of neutrals on edge momentum transportThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsChrystalGANoNoNo
407Effect of Injected Torque and Current Drive on Impurity TransportBPP - Turbulence and TransportSciortinoMax-Planck Institute for Plasma PhysicsNoNoNo
542Effect of heated DiMES on erosion of W-alternative PFMsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentCoburnSandia National LabNoNoNo
512Effect of EC location and heat/CD on the confinement and stability of the IBSThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)TurcoColumbia UYesNoNo
622Effect of divertor turbulence on upstream pedestal/SOLDDS - TurbulenceBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
581Effect of Divertor Geometry on High-Performance CoreCore-Edge Integration Task ForceThomeGAYesNoNo
516Effect of differing edge relaxation mechanisms on global impurity confinement timesCore-Edge Integration Task ForceHughesMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyNoYesNo
359Effect of beam tangency on locking thresholdThrust 4 - Rotation PhysicsFerraroPPPLNoNoNo
528ECCD-induced ELM suppression in low-torque ITER-baseline scenarioThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)LyonsGAYesNoNo
608Dust re-mobilization studies using DiMESAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceRudakovUCSDNoNoNo
473Double Tearing Mode Exploration in Reversed Shear Plasmas with 3D Fields.D&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsTakechiQSTNoNoNo
432Double Tearing Mode Exploration in Reversed Shear Plasmas with 3D Fields.D&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsTakechiNational Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)YesNoNo
492Does the edge localized pedestal particle source directly effect pedestal structurePE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationOsborneGANoNoNo
499Document and reduce fast-ion transport in steady-state scenariosD&C - Steady State ScenariosThomeGAYesNoNo
347Divertor radiation controlD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
584Divertor detachment in closed divertor with unfavorable BtDDS - Drifts and FlowsWangGANoNoNo
392DIvertor and pedestal flows in attached and detached plasmasDDS - Drifts and FlowsBoedoUCSDNoNoNo
435Disruption prediction and avoidance based on Machine LearningD&C - Disruption Mitigation PhysicsKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
444Displacement between the density and temperature pedestalPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationWangGAYesNoNo
402Direct measurement of n=2 Multimode StabilityD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsWangPPPLYesNoNo
352Direct comparison of ITER similar shape (ISS) and ITER baseline scenario (IBS) plasmas for RMP-ELMThrust 3 - ELM ControlPaz-SoldanColumbia UNoNoNo
351Development of the low-torque wide-pedestal QH-mode with EHOThrust 3 - ELM ControlChenGAYesNoNo
593Development of Rotation Profile Feedback Control Capability in DIII-DD&C - Plasma ControlSchusterLehigh UNoNoNo
597Development of Model-based qmin Control Capability in DIII-DD&C - Plasma ControlSchusterLehigh UNoNoNo
436Development of high betaP scenario with active pedestal controlEAST - Scenarios and TransportQianASIPPNoNoNo
513Develop Safe Rampdown for Plasmas with High Radiative FractionD&C - Plasma ControlLuceITER OrganizationNoYesNo
588Detachment Study using the Progressive Angle DivertorDDS - DissipationThomasGANoNoNo
539Detachment physics of Helium H-modesDDS - DissipationCanikORNLNoNoNo
339Detachment onset density vs. 3D field strengthDDS - DissipationEldonGANoNoNo
460Detachment facilitation with flux expansion in the SAS 1 slotThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentCoveleGAYesNoNo
544Detachment dependence on neutral pressure in the SAS divertorThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentShaferORNLNoNoNo
342Detachment control with raw TS signals instead of analyzed TeD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
341Detachment control with neonDDS - DissipationEldonGANoNoNo
345Detachment control performance vs. puff locationD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
346Detachment control performance vs. power scans & impurity accumulationD&C - Plasma ControlEldonGANoNoNo
545Dependence of neutral pressure on detachmentCore-Edge Integration Task ForceShaferORNLNoNoNo
546Dependence of L-H power threshold on X-point heightBPP - L-H transitionSamuellLLNLYesNoNo
646Density Dependence of W I & W II SXB Ratios for Improved Erosion and Redeposition DiagnosisAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceEnnisAuburn UNoNoNo
617D2 re-emission from prospective materials: characterization by ro-vibrational sp. in H-modeAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentBykovGAYesNoNo
515Core-Edge Investigations in the Super H and Near Super H RegimeCore-Edge Integration Task ForceSnyderORNLYesNoNo
483Core impurity contamination by unipolar arcing on PFCsAMV - Material Migration and MitigationBykovGAYesNoNo
635Convex mirror on DiMES to view upper SASThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentBykovGANoNoNo
557Controlling the plasma edge rotation for QH-mode accessThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)KolemenPPPLNoNoNo
575Control/Ops Evening Test SessionsD&C - Plasma ControlHumphreysGANoNoNo
466Control with new real-time Pedestal CER systemThrust 3 - ELM ControlKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
370Control of the inter-ELM pedestal fluctuationsPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationLaggnerPrinceton UniverstiyYesNoNo
386Control of rotating NTM by ECCD + RMPD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsHuPPPLNoNoNo
447Control based on Machine LearningD&C - Plasma ControlKolemenPPPLNoNoNo
609Compatibility of advanced scenarios with silicon coated PCFCore-Edge Integration Task ForceBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
394Comparison of silicon and carbon erosion and migration by exposure of isotope SiC coatingAMV - Material Migration and MitigationDingASIPPNoNoNo
527Comparison of pumping with private flux and shared flux pumping in attached and detached plasmasThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentLuceITER OrganizationNoNoNo
675Compare Er measured by DBS and CER in important DIII-D plasmasGeneral PhysicsKumar BaradaUCLAYesNoNo
574Compare DN/SN vertical and shape controllabilityCore-Edge Integration Task ForceHumphreysGANoYesNo
423Commissioning of Laser Blow-Off (LBO) and Piggyback Studies of Impurity Transport on DIII-DBPP - Turbulence and TransportHowardMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesNoNo
381Combined detachment + radiated power controlDDS - DissipationEldonGANoNoNo
678Characterizing misalignment between SAS and magnetic fieldThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentMoserGANoNoNo
548Characterizing Detachment in H-mode Helium PlasmasDDS - DissipationSamuellLLNLYesNoNo
577Characterize upstream SOL impurity transport in attached/detached divertorDDS - Drifts and FlowsBortolonPPPLNoNoNo
410Characterize the pedestal particle transport induced by RMPPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationDialloPPPLNoNoNo
411Characterize the pedestal particle transport induced by RMPPE - Pedestal/SOL Physics and Pedestal OptimizationDialloPPPLNoNoNo
384Can Pellets Stabilize NTMs?D&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsBardocziGAYesNoNo
387Can Pellets Completely Stabilize the deleterious 2/1 NTMs?Torkil Jensen AwardBardocziGAYesNoNo
554Boundary Ion temperature measurement based on retarding field analyzerAMV - Material Migration and MitigationRenU of Tennessee, KnoxvilleNoNoNo
491Boron and Boron Carbide granule injection for real time wall conditioningGeneral PhysicsLunsfordPPPLNoNoNo
618Better Physics Understanding of NTM SeedingD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsLa HayeRetired from GAYesNoNo
600BAE/BAAE validationBPP - Energetic Particle PhysicsHeidbrinkUC, IrvineNoYesNo
503Avoidance of TM during target formation of high beta, high qmin scenariosD&C - Steady State ScenariosParkORNLYesNoNo
613Assessment of property changes in W, SiC and their composites exposed to D3D environmentsAMV - Innovative Materials DevelopmentVasudevamurthyGANoNoNo
464Assessing the importance of intrinsic carbon radiation and D2 molecules in SAS 1 power dissipationThrust 2 - Divertor DevelopmentCoveleGAYesNoNo
374Aspect ratio scaling of tearing stabilityD&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsMortonU of WisconsinYesNoNo
489Arcing threshold due to ELM deposition at the strike point and in the scrape-off layerAMV - Surface Evolution ScienceBykovGAYesNoNo
640Aimed visible/NIR spectroscopy for measurement of impurity flux from natural hot spotsGeneral PhysicsBykovGAYesNoNo
632AE control by ECH and NB voltage variationD&C - Plasma ControlHuASIPPNoNoNo
375Advanced tokamak core with Super-H pedestalTorkil Jensen AwardVictorLLNLYesNoNo
459Advanced Divertor Control DevelopmentD&C - Plasma ControlVailPrinceton UNoNoNo
567Actuator sharing via control supervisorD&C - Plasma ControlWalkerGANoNoYes
599Actuator Sharing and Integrated Control of Magnetic and Kinetic Plasma ParametersD&C - Plasma ControlSchusterLehigh UNoNoNo
477Active control of enhanced confinement regimes with Low Z impurity Powder DroppingCore-Edge Integration Task ForceLaggnerNorth Carolina StateYesNoNo
399Access and control of QH-mode in IBS at low NBI torqueThrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios)GarofaloGAYesNoYes
458�Integration of Deep Learning Disruption Predictor with Plasma Control System�D&C - 3D and Stability PhysicsTangPPPLNoNoNo
6153D spectrum dependence on L-H transition in DIII-DBPP - L-H transitionKoNational Fusion Research InstituteYesNoNo
6163D spectrum dependence on L-H transition in DIII-DBPP - L-H transitionKoNational Fusion Research InstituteYesNoNo
3583D boundary effects on heavy impurity removalCore-Edge Integration Task ForceHinsonORNLYesNoNo
4962D Isotope Scan for Energy ConfinementBPP - Turbulence and TransportThomeGAYesNoNo