You are not logged in. Click here to log in for more options. 2017 ROF Ideas: Click here for ROF2017 submissions |
ID | Title | Research Area | Name | Affiliation |
Time Req'ed |
ITPA Joint Exp |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task |
365 | High opacity SOL effect on pedestal | Core-Edge Integration Task Force | Mordijck | The college of William and Mary | No | Yes | Yes |
372 | Radiation saturation at reduced Ne quantity by order of magnitude increase in D2 inventory | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Sweeney | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Yes | No | Yes |
373 | helium startup characterization | D&C - Plasma Control | Walker | GA | No | No | Yes |
382 | Inside-out mitigation with B & B+W shell pellets | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Eidietis | GA | Yes | No | Yes |
383 | Measure halo & core temperatures during type I & II VDE's | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Eidietis | GA | Yes | No | Yes |
399 | Access and control of QH-mode in IBS at low NBI torque | Thrust 1 - ITER Q=10 (Inductive Scenarios) | Garofalo | GA | Yes | No | Yes |
422 | Low Torque n=1 Locking Threshold Scaling with Rotation | D&C - 3D and Stability Physics | Park | PPPL | Yes | Yes | Yes |
438 | Shallow injection with shards only | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Michael | ITER Organization | No | No | Yes |
439 | Optimisation of multiple SPI | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Lehnen | ITER Organization | No | No | Yes |
440 | SPI injection into the early current quench | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Lehnen | ITER Organization | No | No | Yes |
441 | SPI penetration depth / assimilation efficiency | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Lehnen | ITER Organization | No | No | Yes |
465 | Superposition of dual SPIs for TQ mitigation ΓΆΒ?Β? part 2 | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Herfindal | ORNL | No | No | Yes |
495 | Evaluation of ITER startup scenario | D&C - Plasma Control | Walker | GA | No | No | Yes |
501 | Pellet ELM pacing with field aligned tangential injection | Thrust 3 - ELM Control | Baylor | ORNL | No | No | Yes |
531 | Impurity spreading physics and impact on fast shutdown properties | D&C - Disruption Mitigation Physics | Shiraki | ORNL | No | No | Yes |
567 | Actuator sharing via control supervisor | D&C - Plasma Control | Walker | GA | No | No | Yes |
610 | Power loading at toroidal PFC gaps | AMV - Material Migration and Mitigation | Rudakov | UCSD | No | Yes | Yes |
665 | H-mode impurity transport dependence on beam fueling | BPP - Turbulence and Transport | Thome | GA | No | No | Yes |
677 | Effect of RMP application on the dissipative divertor regime | Thrust 2 - Divertor Development | Schmitz | UW Madison | No | Yes | Yes |