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Title |
345: Evaluating Physics of I-mode Stationary Enhanced Confinement Regime Without ELMs for the 2013 JR |
Name: | Max Fenstermacher |
Affiliation: | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Research Area: | ELM Control |
Presentation time: |
Not requested |
Co-Author(s): | A. Garofalo, A. Hubbard, D. Whyte, S. Gerhardt, R. Maingi |
ITPA Joint Experiment : |
No |
Description: | The goal of these experiments is to address the requirements of the 2013 Joint Facilities Research Target (JRT) milestone and DIII-D milestone 183 on stationary enhanced confinement regimes without ELMS. The JRT work involves both 1) understanding the physics mechanisms allowing control of edge particle transport while maintaining a robust edge thermal transport barrier and 2) assessing and understanding the operational space for several ELM control regimes. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the physics basis for extrapolation of ELM control regimes to ITER. |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task : |
No |
Experimental Approach/Plan: | |
Background: | The text of the 2013 JRT is: Conduct experiments and analysis on major fusion facilities, to evaluate stationary enhanced confinement regimes without large Edge Localized Modes (ELMs), and to improve understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms that allow acceptable edge particle transport while maintaining a strong thermal transport barrier. Mechanisms to be investigated can include intrinsic continuous edge plasma modes and externally applied 3D fields. Candidate regimes and techniques have been pioneered by each of the three major US facilities (C-Mod, D3D and NSTX). Coordinated experiments, measurements, and analysis will be carried out to assess and understand the operational space for the regimes. Exploiting the complementary parameters and tools of the devices, joint teams will aim to more closely approach key dimensionless parameters of ITER, and to identify correlations between edge fluctuations and transport. The role of rotation will be investigated. The research will strengthen the basis for extrapolation of stationary regimes which combine high energy confinement with good particle and impurity control, to ITER and other future fusion facilities for which avoidance of large ELMs is a critical issue.
The title of 2013 DIII-D Milestone 183 is: Assess the physics mechanisms allowing stationary enhanced performance H-mode plasmas without large ELMs. Supports FY2013 FES Joint Research Target. |
Resource Requirements: | |
Diagnostic Requirements: | All pedestal, SOL and divertor diagnostics especially fast measurements including all fluctuation diagnostics capable of pedestal measurements (BES, ECEI, CECE, DBS, profile reflectometer etc.) |
Analysis Requirements: | Kinetic profile analysis and kinetic EFITS will be needed in preparation for ELITE pedestal stability analysis. Edge transport analysis will be needed (eg. TRANSP, ONETWO or other) to determine the effect of parameter variations on edge particle transport |
Other Requirements: | |