DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 290: Effect of n=2 Poloidal Spectrum on NTV Torque
Name:Matthew Lanctot matthew.lanctot@science.doe.gov Affiliation:Department of Energy
Research Area:Plasma Rotation Presentation time: Not requested
Co-Author(s): C. Paz-Soldan, S. Haskey, N. Logan ITPA Joint Experiment : No
Description: Document the effect of the n=2 poloidal spectrum on NTV torque. ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan: Measure plasma response and rotation changes as a function I-coil phasing with and without C-coil field. Measured rotation changes will be used to order poloidal spectra. Compare to theoretical predictions. Document fast ion losses.
Background: Odd parity n=3 I-coil fields have been used to modify the edge rotation shear in QH-mode experiments. The inability to vary the poloidal spectrum of the n=3 field makes it impossible to validate NTV theory by looking at the effect of the poloidal spectrum on NTV torque. Such an experiment is possible using the n=2 configuration for C and I-coil. This experiment could most likely be done at low beta so that n=1 EFC may not be necessary, leaving the power supplies to drive only n=2 fields.

Extensive simulations of the plasma response using the MARS code have been completed to understand the effect of I-coil phasing, betan, and q95 on the plasma response. These will be used to guide the experiment and for validating the plasma response calculations.

A potential benefit is the possibility that a net increase in the torque related to 3D fields (compared to n=3) could be realized by maximizing the NTV effect while minimizing magnetic braking from pitch-resonant harmonics. Such a result would inform future a variety of studies including co-injected QH-modes.

This experiment parallels a variety of other ROF proposals so it can likely be combined with other efforts including efforts to understand the plasma response in RMP ELM suppressed H-modes.
Resource Requirements: I&C coil in n=2 configuration. All C-supplies and SPAs
Diagnostic Requirements: 3D magnetics. LLNL IR camera on periscope. Both BES diagnostics (UW and UCSD). Profile reflectometer.
Analysis Requirements:
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