DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 281: ECH effects on low or balanced torque discharges in DIII-D
Name:Won-Ha Ko none Affiliation:ZZZ
Research Area:Plasma Rotation Presentation time: Requested
Co-Author(s): Y.J.Shi, K. Ida, W. Solomon, B. Grierson, P.H.Diamond, J.M.Kwon, S. H.Ko, S. H. Hahn, G. Tynan ITPA Joint Experiment : Yes
Description: ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan:
Background: For ITER and future reactors, the input torque from NBI will be very low or nonexistent and cannot produce the needed rotation. As a result, there is a need to develop alternative or complementary methods for driving plasma rotation. Significant intrinsic rotation has been observed on a number of tokamaks and the core rotation profiles, which are centrally peaked in the pure NBI heating phase, flatten when ECH is injected, while the edge pedestal is unchanged in KSTAR.
The measurement of the rotation induced by ECH without external momentum input is important in order to understand the mechanism and prospect of intrinsic torque and so to improve understanding of the physics basis of rotation in low torque regimes.
Resource Requirements: 1.0 run day might be desired.
Need all gyrotrons and balanced NBI
Need balanced NBI blip for Ohmic discharge
Diagnostic Requirements: Standard (ne, Ti, Te, rotation, Er profiles)
Nice to have main ion CER
Density and temperature fluctuation diagnostics (BES and ECEI)
High speed CER for toroidal and poloidal rotation
Thomson scattering and microwave reflectometry for density profile, DBS, PCI
Analysis Requirements:
Other Requirements: