DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 268: nu* dimensionless scaling
Name:Emmanuel Joffrin none Affiliation:ZZZ
Research Area:Turbulence & Transport Presentation time: Not requested
Co-Author(s): T. Luce, C. Challis ITPA Joint Experiment : Yes
Description: JET and ASDEX are planning to include in their campaigns in 2013. In JET, dedicated pulses to this studies are planned in both the baseline scenario (q95~3, betaN~2) and the advance inductive scenario (q95~4, betaN~3). It is proposed to produce in DIII-D 2 pairs of points at 2 different beta at a rho* that can be accessible by JET. A match in rotation should be also achieved in this experiment by changing the beam energy. ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan: In this type of experiment 2 pairs of points at slightly different field need to be obtained at same density same bea and same rho*. Only a small variation in field is needed (20% in BT, makes a change in collisionality of more than a factor of 2). DIII-D has already produced identity discharges with JET in the rho* scan experiment (see Politzer et al IAEA 2010). To minimise, the set-up time, it is proposed here to redo and use the best references at low rho* as a pivotal point for the nu* scan and infer the "baseline" point (q95~3; betaN~2) from this. Then to lower the field by ~15 to 20% to get the nu* step in DIII-D.
Background: Analysis of the ITPA advanced inductive scenario performance database indicated that there is a substantial increase in H98y2 with decreasing collisionality. Dedicated experiments are required to assess the impact on projection to ITER, since even a weak variation of confinement with collisionality can have a substantial influence, due to ITER lying at more than an order of magnitude lower collisionality than present-day experiments. The dependence in nu* is particularly important for the extrapolation to ITER and the particle transport extrapolation which is now crucial also for impurities.
Both JET and ASDEX Uprade are planning this experiment in their programme in 2013.
Resource Requirements: Neutral beam at different voltage
ECRH for adjusting Ti/Te ratio
Max toroidal field
JET shape (already achieved in 2010 and 2011
Diagnostic Requirements: - charge exchange
- Thomson scattering
- MSE if possible to check q profile differences.
Analysis Requirements: - EFIT/TRANSP in a first phase
Other Requirements: