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Title | 148: Radiative divertor control development | ||
Name: | Vsevolod Soukhanovskii vlad@llnl.gov | Affiliation: | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Research Area: | Divertor & SOL Physics | Presentation time: | Requested |
Co-Author(s): | S. L. Allen, T. Petrie | ITPA Joint Experiment : | No |
Description: | Radiative divertor feedback control is being designed for ITER and has been demonstrated at several tokamaks. It is a high priority item for NSTX-U divertor Program. We propose to start development of the radiative divertor feedback control for DIII-D. In FY2013, we propose to perform radiative divertor experiments with D2 and CD4 seeding. In these experiments, several diagnostics will be used to document plasma characteristics and extent of detachment. Functional relation between divertor heat flux, radiation and gas injection rate will be measured.
The diagnostics include: infrared thermography for divertor surface temperature measurements, DISRAD for fast rad. power measurements, filterscopes, neutral pressure gages, and Balmer line spectroscopy for recombination monitoring. Once the database is analyzed, we will propose one or two dedicated diagnsotics tto be implemented in FY2014 for further integration in PCS with Plasma Control Group. |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task : | No |
Experimental Approach/Plan: | Use a simple lower single null plasma with 2-6 MW NBI heating and D2 and CD4 injections at several puffing rates.
On the basis of these experiments, identify diagnostics: (1) divertor plasma and PFC diagnostics and (2) the diagnostics characterizing the pedestal or core plasma that can be used as ??security? measures to insure the radiative divertor compatibility with H-mode confinement. The control diagnostic signals can include divertor radiated power, neutral pressure, spectroscopic deuterium recombination signatures, infrared thermography of PFC surfaces, as well as spectroscopic ??security? monitoring of possible confinement or pedestal degradation. The characteristic detachment onset time is slow. The control signal spatial resolution should be better than 1 cm, and the ability to distinguish between inner and outer divertor leg parameters is important. | ||
Background: | -- | ||
Resource Requirements: | -- | ||
Diagnostic Requirements: | -- | ||
Analysis Requirements: | -- | ||
Other Requirements: | -- |