DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 130: Synergy between core-localized Alfven eigenmodes and edge localized TBM fields on fast ion losses.
Name:Gerrit Kramer gkramer@pppl.gov Affiliation:Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Research Area:Energetic Particles Presentation time: Not requested
Co-Author(s): Fast-particle group ITPA Joint Experiment : Yes
Description: Fast-ion loss experiments with the test blanket module (TBM) mock-up in DIII-D have focused so far on beam-ion losses in MHD quiescent steady-state plasmas where it was found that the losses originate from near the plasma edge. Core-localized Alfven eigenmodes can efficiently transport fast ions from the plasma center to the edge where the TBM fields are strong and enhance the TBM-induced fast ion losses which are concentrated on the TBM surface as found in previous experiments. We want quantify those losses and use the data as a bench-mark for ITER simulations to quantify the synergetic effects of TBM fields and Alfen eigenmodes on fast-ion losses. ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan: Run standard DIII-D AE experiments (similar to shot 146096) with and without TBM fields present. Measure the heat loads on the TBM surface with an IR camera. Measure the TAE-induced fast-ion losses with the FILD detectors. Measure also changes in the fast-ion population with the FIDA systems. Compare the data with fast-ion loss simulations. Because the experiments are performed in the current-ramp up, it might be beneficial to build-in constant current phases at around 0.6 and 0.7 MA where AE-induced first orbit losses are well observable with FILD-2.
Resource Requirements: TBM mock-up, Co-, counter, and off-axis NBI
Diagnostic Requirements: FILD, MSE, FIDA, IR-cameras, all fast-ion diagnostics
Analysis Requirements: Main analysis codes: EFIT, NOVA, SPIRAL, etc.
Other Requirements: TBM mock-up, NSTX IR camera for measuring heat loads on the TBM surface.