DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 77: Influence of rotation and rotation shear on ELM suppression
Name:Saskia Mordijck smordijck@wm.edu Affiliation:The college of William and Mary
Research Area:ELM Control Presentation time: Requested
Co-Author(s): Rick Moyer, Jim Callen ITPA Joint Experiment : No
Description: -- ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan: Perform a typical ELM suppression experiment, full co-beams, in the resonant window, at the lowest possible I-coil current for suppression. Than replace 1 of the co beams with a counter beam, to change the toroidal rotation (and therefore Er), but same power input and other relevant parameters. Observe whether ELM suppression is still obtained at same I-coil current (or less/more current is needed) in correlation with the Er profile. If no suppression is observed, perform q-scan to see whether a new suppression window can be found. Document how changes in Er affect ELM suppression (other techniques on how to change Er close to the top of the pedestal are also welcome).
Background: Recent results presented at the APS meeting [Moyer et al.] indicate that when ELMs are suppressed there is a change in Er close to the top of the pedestal. A similar trend has been observed for q95 experiments on DIII-D. This flattening of the Er close to the pedestal can change the stability of the plasma and might connect the DIII-D experiments with experiments on other machines, where even with strong density pump-out, ELMs are not suppressed.
Resource Requirements: --
Diagnostic Requirements: --
Analysis Requirements: --
Other Requirements: --