DIII-D RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES FORUM FOR THE 2013 EXPERIMENTAL CAMPAIGN Review | Direct submission with log-in | Request submission without log-in

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Title 40: MGI with applied n=1 RMP fields
Name:Valerie Izzo izzo@fusion.gat.com Affiliation:Fiat Lux LLC
Research Area:Disruption Mitigation Presentation time: Not requested
Co-Author(s): ITPA Joint Experiment : No
Description: Investigate the role of the m=1/n=1 mode phase in determining radiation toroidal peaking by attempting to lock the phase of the 1/1 mode with externally applied fields. ITER IO Urgent Research Task : No
Experimental Approach/Plan: Perform single valve (high-Z) massive gas injection experiments with standard diverted target plasma. Use I-coils to apply n=1 RMP fields beginning shortly before MGI pulse. Vary the phase of the n=1 RMP field to look for an effect, especially on radiated power measurements.
Background: NIMROD simulations of MGI in DIII-D indicate that the toroidal location of the radiated power peak, as well as the degree of toroidal peaking, during the thermal quench is determined by the phase of the m=1/n=1 mode. A basic confirmation of this effect is needed experimentally, which can be accomplished by controlling the phase with external fields. If the phase can be successfully locked to the applied fields, the code predicts that a systematic variation in the radiated power measured at a single toroidal location should be observed as the phase is varied. The code also suggests that a variation in impurity assimilation may be seen.
Resource Requirements: 1/2 run day, possibly combined into a full run day with another MGI experiment, such as multi-valve MGI.
Diagnostic Requirements:
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