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Title |
4: Turbulence and Intrinsic Rotation |
Name: | John deGrassie |
Affiliation: | General Atomics |
Research Area: | Plasma Rotation |
Presentation time: |
Not requested |
Co-Author(s): | George McKee |
ITPA Joint Experiment : |
No |
Description: | The purpose of this experiment is to connect intrinsic rotation in DIII-D with turbulence. We hope to test if the turbulent spectral features such as frequency, magnitude and correlation lengths are coupled with the magnitude and direction of the intrinsic rotation. |
ITER IO Urgent Research Task : |
No |
Experimental Approach/Plan: | Use shape variations to modify the measured turbulence spectra in ECH-dominated H-modes and measure the intrinsic rotation profiles. |
Background: | It has been shown that the BES turbulent spectra depend upon the plasma squareness, done using a DND shape in DIII-D. (See Holcomb PoP 16, 056116 2009). Theories of the generation mechanism for intrinsic rotation in the interior of a tokamak invoke plasma turbulence, and indicate that the direction of the rotation drive could depend upon the flavor of turbulence, e.g. TEM vs ITG. We want to measure whether there is any signature change in the intrinsic rotation profiles with changes in the turbulence spectra induced by shape change |
Resource Requirements: | 1 day experiment. Standard Intrinsic Rotation experiment with ECH H-modes; need all gyrotrons and modest NBI for diagnostics. Beyond diagnostic NBI blips, the only NBI drive required will be the minimum needed for BES, and thus possibly a balancing counter beam. All possible compatible turbulence diagnostics should be used. |
Diagnostic Requirements: | |
Analysis Requirements: | |
Other Requirements: | |